
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 06 Aug 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has significantly impacted the decline in people purchasing power, causing many UMKM to collapse. Seeing this phenomenon, the Master of Technology Management Study Program, President University (PresUniv), together with Direct Skills and Maneuver Corp., held a webinar entitled "Strategi UMKM Bertahan dan Bertumbuh di Masa Pandemi", Wednesday (4/8). This webinar presents three speakers, namely Dr. Anton Wachidin Widjaja, S.E., M.M., Head of Master of Technology Management Program, PresUniv, Dedi Kurniawan, S.E., M.B.A., lecturer in Business Administration, PresUniv, and Jazak Nur Afriansyah, Founder and Principal of Maneuver Corp.

According to Anton, the contribution of UMKM to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is currently decreasing from 60% (in 2019) to less than 40% (2020). It happens because many UMKM are of lack capital, not familiar with information technology, lack of training, and have low competitiveness. Therefore, Anton suggested that the government, academics, and UMKM owners could collaborate with each other. He also suggested that UMKM sells not only products but also the benefits of the product. “Also provide top service. That way, consumers will feel personal satisfaction which leads to a good product image in the eyes of consumers," he added. He also reminded that in order for this to be realized, it would require the sacrifice of money, physical, time, and thought.

Meanwhile, Dedi Kurniawan explained consumer behavior in the digital era, especially how they shop and how to attract their attention. Dedi said, “Digital consumers tend to be impatient, want a simple payment system, and always want to share their happy moments on social media.” So, in order for their business to continue to grow, UMKM needs to adapt to digital consumers' shopping styles. Also, UMKM needs to create unique and stylish product designs. "The purpose is to make consumers interested in sharing these products on their social media," he said. Dedi also emphasized that promoting the product in the relevant platform and being responsive to the buyers are the important points for UMKM to survive during the pandemic. (Steven Chaniago, PR team. Photo: Steven).