PresUniv in Pictures

Published: 05 Apr 2021

The Jamu Bar visited President University (PresUniv), Friday (26/3). The Jamu Bar is a jamu outlet developed by Charles Saerang, former President Director of PT Nyonya Meneer. The tradition of drinking Jamu in Indonesia has existed since the 1300s. However, along with time, the tradition of Jamu in the community is decreasing. Especially among young people. Many young people do not like to drink Jamu, because of bitter taste. The problem is the problem that The Jamu Bar is trying to solve (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata and Lita Gabriella)

The Jamu Bar melakukan kunjungan ke President University (PresUniv), Jumat (26/3). The Jamu Bar merupakan gerai jamu yang dikembangkan oleh Charles Saerang, mantan Direktur Utama PT Nyonya Meneer. Tradisi minum jamu di Indonesia telah ada sejak tahun 1300-an. Namun, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, tradisi minum jamu di masyarakat semakin berkurang. Apalagi di kalangan anak muda. Banyak anak muda tidak suka minum jamu, terutama karena rasanya yang pahit. Masalah itulah yang coba diretas oleh The Jamu Bar. (Gilang Suryanata, tim PR. Foto: Gilang Suryanata dan Lita Gabriella)

The Jamu Bar was welcomed by Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., PresUniv Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Marissa Astika, Director of the PresUniv Partnership Bureau, Dr. Retnowati, Director of the PresUniv Institute for Research and Community Service, and Alan Ye, Head of Business Development, PT Graha Buana Cikarang.

Kunjungan The Jamu Bar diterima langsung oleh Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Wakil Rektor bidang Akademik dan Student Affairs PresUniv, Marissa Astika, Direktur Biro Partnership PresUniv, Dr. Retnowati, Direktur Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LRPM) PresUniv, dan Alan Ye, Head of Business Development, PT Graha Buana Cikarang.

Charles Saerang (left) and The Jamu Bar team, Gusti Indira (center), and Indira Soediro (right).

Charles Saerang (kiri) beserta tim The Jamu Bar, Gusti Indira (tengah), dan Indira Soediro (kanan).

One of The Jamu Bar products with attractive packaging and taste for young people.

Salah satu produk The Jamu Bar dengan kemasan dan rasa yang menarik untuk anak muda.

Marissa tasted products from The Jamu Bar.

Marissa mencicipi langsung produk dari The Jamu Bar.

Charles gave Handa a souvenir in the form of a pin.

Charles memberikan cindera mata berupa pin kepada Handa.

Photo session between PresUniv and The Jamu Bar representatives

Foto bersama antara perwakilan PresUniv dengan The Jamu Bar.