
Published: 25 Mar 2021

In the previous edition I've written about a new audio-based social media app called Clubhouse. This application was developed by Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Paul Davison, and former Google employee, Rohan Seth. Clubhouse based audio chat, much like radio talk in a conference call. The Clubhouse application is currently only available on the iPhone. The Android version is still under development. So, if there is a Clubhouse application for Android, it is definitely a hoax (techcrunch.com).

The site of fake clubhouse is located at joinclubhouse [.] Mobi which at first glance looks very much like the official address of the Clubhouse website (joinclubhouse.com). The main page also says, users can join if they have received an invitation from a member. If the original site redirects the user to the App Store, this fake site asks the user to download it on the Play Store. But once the user clicks the 'Get it on Google Play' button, the malicious application is automatically downloaded to the cellphone (kumparan.com).

Even though it looks very similar, there are several things that indicate that this site is unofficial and dangerous. Such as the use of a more secure HTTP and not HTTPS connection, and the use of a .mobi domain. After download this fake Clubhouse app, their cellphone will be compromised by a trojan named BlackRock. This malware is a variant of the LokiBot trojan that attacks financial and banking applications, as well as hundreds of other popular applications.

This malware can steal usernames and passwords for 458 well-known applications such as Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Coinbase, Outlook, and many more. Since Clubhouse has yet to launch an official app for Android, cyber security researchers are asking users to be careful as there will be more fake clubhouse apps popping up in the future (inet.detik.com).

If you're Android user, and most likely interest to try out Clubhouse, don't worry. The skyrocketing popularity of Clubhouse made many technology companies competing to develop clones. Like Instagram, which was recently revealed to be developing the 'audio rooms' feature (screenrant.com). Instagram is not the only social media platform that has contributed to the development of Clubhouse's design. Recently, Twitter released an audio chat feature called Spaces in beta for Android and iOS users (techcrunch.com)

TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, is also developing an app similar to Clubhouse. In addition, Xiaomi has also revived the Mi Talk application to become a special audio chat application for professionals (businessinsider.com). (Ruhmaya Nida Wathoni. Illustration: indiatoday.in)




Awas! Aplikasi Clubhouse Palsu Siap Curi Data Anda


Pada edisi yang lalu saya sudah menulis tentang aplikasi media sosial berbasis audio baru yang disebut Clubhouse. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan oleh pengusaha Silicon Valley, Paul Davison dan mantan karyawan Google, Rohan Seth. Obrolan audio berbasis Clubhouse ini seperti obrolan radio dalam panggilan konferensi. Aplikasi Clubhouse saat ini hanya tersedia di iPhone. Versi Android masih dalam pengembangan. Jadi, kalau ada aplikasi Clubhouse untuk Android sudah pasti hoax (techcrunch.com).

Situs clubhouse palsu ini beralamat di joinclubhouse [.] Mobi yang sekilas sangat mirip dengan alamat resmi situs Clubhouse (joinclubhouse.com). Halaman utama juga mengatakan, pengguna dapat bergabung jika mereka telah menerima undangan dari salah satu anggota. Jika situs asli mengalihkan pengguna ke App Store, situs palsu ini meminta pengguna untuk men-download-nya di Play Store. Namun, begitu pengguna mengklik tombol 'Get it on Google Play', aplikasi jahat tersebut otomatis diunduh ke ponsel (kumparan.com).

Meski terlihat sangat mirip, ada beberapa hal yang menandakan bahwa situs ini tidak resmi dan berbahaya. Seperti penggunaan HTTP yang lebih aman dan bukan koneksi HTTPS, serta penggunaan domain .mobi. Setelah mengunduh aplikasi Clubhouse palsu ini, ponsel Anda akan disusupi oleh trojan bernama BlackRock. Malware ini merupakan varian dari trojan LokiBot yang menyerang aplikasi keuangan dan perbankan, serta ratusan aplikasi populer lainnya.

Malware ini bisa mencuri username dan password untuk 458 aplikasi terkenal, seperti Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Coinbase, Outlook, dan masih banyak lagi. Oleh karena Clubhouse belum meluncurkan aplikasi resmi untuk Android, peneliti keamanan cyber meminta pengguna untuk berhati-hati. Akan ada lebih banyak aplikasi clubhouse palsu yang bermunculan di masa mendatang (inet.detik.com).

Jika Anda merupakan pengguna Android, dan kemungkinan besar tertarik untuk mencoba Clubhouse, jangan khawatir. Popularitas Clubhouse yang meroket membuat banyak perusahaan teknologi berlomba-lomba mengembangkan kloningan. Seperti Instagram yang baru-baru ini sedang mengembangkan fitur 'ruang audio' (screenrant.com). Instagram bukan satu-satunya platform media sosial yang berkontribusi pada perkembangan desain Clubhouse. Baru-baru ini, Twitter merilis fitur obrolan audio yang disebut Spaces dalam versi beta untuk pengguna Android dan iOS (techcrunch.com).

Perusahaan induk TikTok, ByteDance, juga mengembangkan aplikasi yang mirip dengan Clubhouse. Selain itu, Xiaomi juga menghidupkan kembali aplikasi Mi Talk menjadi aplikasi audio chat khusus untuk para profesional (businessinsider.com). (Ruhmaya Nida Wathoni. Ilustrasi: indiatoday.in)