
Event Date: 12 Jun 2020

Let's join our fourth edition of President University Webinar Series 2020: Business Insights!

Date: Friday, 12 June 2020
Time: 1.30 PM - 3.00 PM (GMT+7)
Registration Link:

COVID-19 has surely made a big difference in the dynamic of the recruitment process among employers and fresh graduates looking for employment. Our first speaker, Denny Makarim, a Managing Partner at DHM Partners, will try to discuss in details about recruitment after the pandemic. Will it be fun? How are the opportunities and challenges faced by the employer and the workforce?

Consequently, its impacts have expanded not limited only to the recruitment process, but also on the training process that the employees will receive during their initial year in the company.

As now Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has taken over the learning activities worldwide, many see MOOC as the future of higher education and training process in the company. So then, our second speaker Roberto E. Galves, Corporate Services Director of Gunung Sewu Group, will discuss the challenges in using MOOCs to bring your company training curriculum online.