
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 23 Dec 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) businesses. Optimizing digital technology and the internet is believed to be the right choice to save Indonesia's MSME business. To realize their support, a group of students from the Communication Study Program, President University (PresUniv) initiated a campaign called "Tredisphere", Entrepreneur Digital Atmosphere. Various activities were carried out for the Tredisphere campaign. Starting from educational content to competitions via social media, such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

As the highlight of the campaign movement, Tredisphere held a webinar on Saturday (19/12) with the theme "Digital Communication Strategy: Weapons for MSMEs to Survive Pandemic Times''. This webinar was a collaboration between Tredisphere and the Komunitas Pejuang Online, Hipmi PT Semarang, and Hipmi PT Unisbank. This webinar features Hafieluddin Wakhid S, founder of Oninfluencer, TikTok content creator, and Digital Marketer. Hafiel discusses ways to optimize social media in building brand awareness through content that matches the brand identity and target market. The second speaker, Filbert Tantama, Youngdigipreneur, Co-founder of the Online Fighting community, and author of the book Naked Sales, Filbert explained how to optimize social media in achieving brand equity.

At the end of the event, Tredisphere invited the participants to participate in this campaign movement by uploading photos during the webinar and including a caption containing the impression of the message and the communication strategy plan they wanted to do in the future. "We hope this campaign can be a place for the younger generation to stop being apathetic and support the digitization of MSMEs to save Indonesia from recession," said William, the Project Manager of Tredisphere. (Tredisphere/PR Team PresUniv)



Tredisphere untuk Selamatkan UMKM Indonesia


Pandemi Covid-19 melumpuhkan banyak bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Optimalisasi teknologi digital dan internet diyakini dapat menyelamatkan bisnis UMKM Indonesia. Untuk merealisasikan dukungannya, sekelompok mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, President University (PresUniv) menginisiasi kampanye bernama “Tredisphere”. Artinya, Entrepreneur Digital Atmosphere. Berbagai kegiatan dilakukan untuk kampanye Tredisphere. Mulai dari konten-konten edukasi, sampai perlombaan-perlombaan melalui media sosial, seperti Instagram, TikTok, dan Facebook. 

Sebagai acara puncak gerakan kampanye tersebut, Tredisphere menyelenggarakan webinar pada Sabtu (19/12) dengan tema “Strategi Komunikasi Digital: Senjata bagi UMKM untuk Bertahan di Masa Pandemi”. Webinar ini merupakan kolaborasi Tredisphere dengan Komunitas Pejuang Online, Hipmi PT Semarang, dan Hipmi PT Unisbank. Webinar ini menampilkan Hafieluddin Wakhid S, founder Oninfluencer, TikTok content creator, dan Digital Marketer. Hafiel membahas cara-cara mengoptimalkan media sosial dalam membangun brand awareness melalui konten-konten yang sesuai dengan identitas brand dan target pasar. Pembicara kedua, Filbert Tantama, Youngdigipreneur, Co-founder komunitas Pejuang Online, dan penulis buku Naked Sales, Filbert memaparkan cara mengoptimalkan media sosial dalam mencapai brand equity.

Pada akhir acara, Tredisphere mengajak para peserta untuk berpartisipasi dalam gerakan kampanye ini dengan cara mengunggah foto saat webinar dan menyertakan caption yang berisi kesan pesan serta rencana strategi komunikasi yang ingin mereka lakukan ke depannya. “Kami berharap kampanye ini dapat menjadi salah satu cara bagi generasi muda untuk berhenti bersikap apatis dan mendukung digitalisasi UMKM demi menyelamatkan Indonesia dari resesi,” ujar William, Ketua Pelaksana Tredisphere. (Tredisphere/PR Team PresUniv)