
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 27 Mar 2020

To anticipate the spread of COVID-19 in the campus area, President University sprayed campus’ facilities with disinfectant to keep everyone safe from the virus.

The disinfecting spray was started at the student housing area, namely New Beverly Hills (NBH) complex, Elvis Tower Apartment, and Student Boarding House complex. Next, the cleaning team went to the campus area and sprayed disinfectant in all campus areas.

Novicarnus Yudhiar, the staff of General Affairs (GA) President University who helped to direct the cleaners mentioned that the disinfecting spray regularly. “According to the government’s direction, we will clean all the campus area thoroughly. For the disinfecting spray, we will conduct it once a month,” he explained.

“Next, we also made sure to clean every spot with disinfectant liquid every day. We pay more attention also to highly touched surfaces by people, such as desks, doorknob, elevator button, light switch, keyboards, and many more,” he continued.

Aside disinfecting spray, President University has taken several proactive measures against the spread of COVID-19. One of them is by moving all classes online and enforcing “work from home” practice to all lecturers and staff. (SL)



President University Lakukan Penyemprotan Disinfektan di Area Kampus dan Kompleks Perumahan Mahasiswa Untuk Perangi COVID-19


Guna mengantisipasi penyebaran virus COVID-19 di area kampus, President University melakukan penyemprotan cairan disinfektan di fasilitas-fasilitas kampus.

Penyemprotan dimulai dari kawasan tempat tinggal mahasiswa yaitu, kompleks New Beverly Hills (NBH), kompleks Apartemen Elvis Tower, serta kompleks Student Boarding House (SBH). Selanjutnya, tim pembersihan menuju ke area kampus dan melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan di seluruh area kampus.

Novicarnus Yudhiar, staf General Affairs (GA) President University yang mengarahkan tim pembersihan menjelaskan bahwa penyemprotan akan dilakukan secara rutin. “Sesuai arahan dari pemerintah, kami akan membersihkan area kampus secara menyeluruh. Untuk penyemprotan disinfektan akan kami laksanakan sebulan sekali,” jelasnya.

“Selanjutnya pembersihan menggunakan cairan disinfektan juga akan rutin dilakukan setiap hari, perhatian khusus juga diberikan pada sudut-sudut dan benda-benda yang sering disentuh oleh orang-orang, seperti bangku, gagang pintu, tombol lift, saklar lampu, dan lain-lain,” lanjutnya.

Selain penyemprotan disinfektan, President University juga telah melakukan beberapa langkah pencegahan COVID-19. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengubah seluruh aktivitas pembelajaran dan sidang skripsi menjadi online serta memberlakukan kebijakan work from home untuk seluruh tenaga kependidikannya.  (SL)