
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 15 Nov 2019

Aiming to develop the creativity, talent, and potential of university students in Indonesia on digital science and design, the students of the Faculty of Computer Science of President University organized COMPSHERE 2019 with the theme “Exceed: Explore the Technologies, Grab the Possibilities”. This annual event of the Faculty of Computer Science was held on 12-13 November 2019 at President University.

This year’s COMPSPHERE consists of four activities, namely Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Programming Rush for university students, workshops, seminars, and the President University Information Technology, Information System, and Visual Communication Design (VCD) graduate’s thesis exhibition.

The ERP and Programming Rush competition was joined by dozens of students from various universities in Indonesia, among others Binus University, Telkom University, Muhammadiyah University, and other universities. For the seminar and workshop, there were four different sessions that the students could attend. The first one is the Character Animation seminar that was facilitated by a content creator of Dalang Pelo, Nur Alif Ramadan that raised the topic of Passive income Strategies for Animation Designers. The second session was a 3D Character Animation Workshop by Dermawan Syamsuddin, S.Sn., M.Sn., the Head of VCD Animation Program of Binus University. The third one was the Data Science Seminar and Workshop by the Algorithm Instructor of Algoritma Data Science Education Center Yaumil Sitta. And lastly, a Cybersecurity Workshop that was facilitated by IT Security Architect Specialist of the Commonwealth Bank Dani Aquarius Febrianda that explained the big picture of the development of cybersecurity in Indonesia as well as the risks and challenges working in the cybersecurity sector.

Not only seminars, workshops and competitions, but the thesis exhibition of the work of President University students is also one of the interesting activities in this year's COMPSPHERE. Among the 35 works on display, there were several thesis works that received special attention from the participants, including a computer-based fighting game in which all the characters and weapons nuanced Indonesian culture, named Adventure of Indonesia. There was also The Scrooge, a battle game between knights and zombies which is an adaptation of a board game of a similar name and an application called Sintesis that can be used by a company to collect data from all company-related tweets. Not only looking around, participants can also directly try to use or play thesis products of this student's work.

Sean Jeremy Partogi, Informatics Engineering student class of 2018 as chairman of the 2019 COMPSPHERE committee revealed, "I hope that COMPSPHERE participants can get to know Digital Science and Design through the workshops and seminars that we hold. And also, through the thesis exhibition, we hope that the visitors who are also university students could get inspired to working on their thesis later on.” (SL/APW)



President University Tingkatkan Kreativitas Mahasiswa Indonesia Melalui COMPSPHERE 2019

Ingin meningkatkan kreativitas, talenta, dan potensi mahasiswa Indonesia mengenai digital science serta design, mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komputer President University mengadakan COMPSPHERE 2019 dengan tema “Exceed: Explore the Technologies, Grab the Possibilities”. Acara tahunan dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer kali ini diadakan pada 12-13 November 2019 di President University.

COMPSPHERE tahun ini terdiri dari empat kegiatan, yaitu Kompetisi ERP dan Programming Rush untuk mahasiswa, workshop, seminar, dan pameran skripsi para lulusan jurusan Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi, dan Desain Komunikasi Visual President University.

Kompetisi ERP dan Programming Rush diikuti puluhan mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia, antara lain Binus University, Telkom University, Universitas Muhammadiyah, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan untuk seminar dan workshop, terdapat empat seminar dan workshop yang diikuti oleh puluhan mahasiswa. Pertama, Seminar Character Animation, dibawakan oleh seorang content creator dari Dalang Pelo, Nur Alif Ramadan yang mengangkat topik Passive Income Strategies for Animation Designers. Kedua, Workshop 3D Character Animation, dibawakan oleh Dermawan Syamsuddin, S.Sn., M.Sn., Head of DKV Animation Program dari Binus University. Ketiga, Seminar dan Workshop Data Science yang dibawakan oleh Instruktur Algoritma dari Algoritma Data Science Education Centre Yaumil Sitta. Yang terakhir, Workshop Cyber Security yang dibawakan oleh IT Security Architect Specialist Bank Commonwealth, Dani Aquarius Febrianda menjelaskan gambaran perkembangan cyber security di Indonesia serta memberikan gambaran resiko dan tantangan yang akan dihadapi saat bekerja di bidang cyber security.

Bukan hanya seminar, workshop, dan kompetisi, pameran skripsi karya mahasiswa President University merupakan salah satu kegiatan menarik dalam COMPSPHERE tahun ini. Di antara 35 karya yang dipamerkan, terdapat beberapa karya skripsi yang mendapat perhatian khusus dari para peserta, diantaranya sebuah game pertempuran berbasis komputer di mana semua karakter dan senjatanya bernuansa Indonesia yang diberi nama Adventure of Indonesia, The Scrooge, sebuah game pertempuran antara ksatria dan zombie yang merupakan adaptasi dari board game dengan nama serupa serta sebuah aplikasi bernama Sintesis yang dapat digunakan sebuah perusahaan untuk mengumpulkan data dari semua tweet terkait perusahaan tersebut. Tidak hanya melihat-lihat, para peserta juga bisa secara langsung mencoba untuk menggunakan atau memainkan produk skripsi karya mahasiswa ini.

Sean Jeremy Partogi, mahasiswa Teknik Informatika angkatan 2018 selaku ketua panitia COMPSPHERE 2019 mengungkapkan, “Saya harap para peserta COMPSPHERE dapat lebih mengenal Digital Science serta Design melalui workshop dan seminar yang kami selenggarakan. Selain itu, dengan diadakannya pameran skripsi, para pengunjung yang adalah mahasiswa mendapatkan inspirasi untuk membuat karya skripsi mereka nantinya.” (SL/APW)