
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 02 Jul 2019

Perhumas (Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia) Roadshow to Campus visited President University on June 25, 2019. This is the second time Perhumas visited President University. In collaboration with President University Major Association (PUMA) Communications, “The Role of PR and Media Surviving in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0” was carried to be the theme of this seminar.

Mr. Moch. N. Kurniawan, Senior Specialist Media Relation in INPEX Masela, Ltd. and Ms. Henny Puspitasari, Metro TV Publicity Manager explained tips and trick on how to become a reliable public relations and ready to compete in industry 4.0 era.

"The keyword is to observe, learn, and adapt. If we want to move forward, we cannot be bored to keep learning new things and keep adapting through times," explained Mr. Moch. N. Kurniawan.

This seminar broadened the participants' insight into what PR practitioner is all about. This seminar also helped participants to explore PR’s work more.

In this occasion, MoU was signed between President University and Perhumas. The scope of partnerships is partnerships in education, research, community service, the implementation of the Junior Public Relations program and Implementation of the Communication Auditor, and the implementation of Competency Test Certification for students. (MS/PR)



Perhumas (Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia) Roadshow to Campus mengunjungi President University pada 25 Juni 2019. Ini adalah kali kedua Perhumas mengunjungi President University. Bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi President University, “The Role of PR and Media Surviving in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0” menjadi tema dalam seminar kali ini.

Mr. Moch. N. Kurniawan, Senior Specialist Media Relation INPEX Masela, Ltd. dan Ms. Henny Puspitasari, Metro TV Publicity Manager memberikan tips dan trick cara menjadi praktisi PR yang handal dan mampu bersaing menghadapi perkembangan jaman.

Keywordnya adalah amati, pelajari, dan adaptasi. Bila ingin maju, ya kita tidak boleh bosan untuk terus belajar hal baru dan terus beradaptasi mengikuti perkembangan jaman” jelas Kurniawan.

Seminar ini memperluas wawasan mahasiswa dan membantu mahasiswa untuk mendalami pekerjaan PR itu sendiri.

Dalam kesempatan ini, President University dan Perhumas menandatangani nota kesepahaman (Momerandum of Understanding/MoU). Ruang lingkup nota kesepahaman mencakup mempromosikan kegiatan kerja sama, pendidikan, penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat, kerja sama pelaksanaan program Humas Junior dan Pelaksanaan Auditor Komunikasi serta pelaksanaan sertifikasi uji kompetensi untuk mahasiswa. (MS/PR)