
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 13 Mar 2024

On Monday, March 4, 2024, President University (Presuniv) simultaneously appointed several new officials. The appointments were made by Rector of Presuniv Handa S. Abidin, SH, L.LM, Ph.D., at the Charles Himawan Auditorium, 5th floor of Building A, Presuniv Campus at Jababeka Education Park, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jababeka City, Cikarang, Bekasi. The newly appointed officials are as follows: 1. Dr. Ir. Robert Pangihutan Radjagoekgoek, S.Sos., S.H., M.H., CLI., CLA as the Head of Law Study Program (Program Chair); 2. Dr. Jeanne Francoise as the Program Chair of International Relations; 3. Ridwansyah, MD as the Program Chair of Medicine; 4. Dr. Dra. Fennieka Kristianto, S.H., M.H., M.A., M.Kn. as the Program Chair of Master in Law (postgraduate).

New officials in the non-academic field appointed on that day include: 5. Bayu Imantoro, SH, MH as the Director of Legal, who was previously the Head of the Law Study Program; 6. Arie Purwanto as the Director of President University Students Housing; 7. Ir. Rusdianto Roestam, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Director of the Research and Community Service Institute (Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat or LRPM); 8. Dr. Dani Lukman Hakim as the Director of the President Development Center, also doubling as the Program Chair of Agribusiness. (JB Susetiyo, PR team. Photo: JB Susetiyo).