
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 23 Oct 2023

On Monday, October 16, 2023, Muhammad Sigit Andhi Rahman, Ph.D., a lecturer in the International Relations Study Program at the Faculty of Humanities, President University (Presuniv), shared his stories on Islam and politics in daily life in Indonesia at the Talk Over Pizza event at the University of Kitakyushu (UKK), Japan. More than 30 participants took part in the event. Sigit stated, "Despite 89% of its population being of the Islamic faith, Indonesia is not an Islamic state. Indonesia is also not a secular state. With such conditions, it is no wonder that some experts refer to Indonesia as a religion-based country."

Another speaker at the event was Aini Firdaus, the manager of the community library in Bekasi Regency. Aini discussed various cultural and societal uniquenesses in Indonesia, including its culinary traditions. The afternoon conversation was concluded with the practice of several Indonesian phrases and a quiz. Those who answered correctly received souvenirs from the speakers. (JB Susetiyo. Report and photos: Muhammad Sigit Andhi Rahman)