
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 13 Jun 2022

Thursday (9/6), President University (PresUniv) and the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), held a podcast entitled Sinergi Perguruan Tinggi dan Industri Menuju Kemandirian Teknologi. The podcast was held at the Integrated Creative Engineering Learning Lab (i-CELL) owned by FTUI and was guided by Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, DEA, Chairman of the President University Education Foundation (YPUP). There were two speakers in the podcast, namely Dr. SD Darmono, Chairman of Jabebaka Group and founder of PresUniv, and Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, St., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI.

Responding to Darmono's idea about the need for synergy between universities and industry, Prof. Heri emphasized the need for these three values. The first is the modernization and internationalization of engineering education. Secondly, superior and impactful research and innovation. Lastly, instilling an entrepreneurial spirit for all academics. “In encouraging research and innovation, universities cannot do it alone. The lecturer is not superman. Lecturers have advantages in knowledge and analytical skills with which to conduct research and independent studies . Meanwhile,  Industry has superior knowledge with regards to the needs of the community.." he explained.

Based on that need, continued Prof. Heri, universities and industry must wotk together early in the product development process and develop product ideas together and cooperate to produce the  the  final product. In order to support this process, continued Prof. Heri, FTUI will soon launch an entrepreneurship club that can in which  students, lecturers, education staff, alumni, and industry players, will all come together. "This is expected to be able to improve the University’s knowledge of the community requirements  so that they can directly match the industrial partners understanding," he said. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang)