
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 13 Jun 2022

Businessman also always learn faster than universities, because they know the market better. To support their business, many large companies have their own research departments. This means that universities often lag behind companies in their understanding of the market. So, in order   be up to date with the latest developments in the industrial world, universities need to establish good relationships with many companies. This was stated by Dr. SD Darmono, Chairman of Jabebaka Group and founder of President University (PresUniv) in a podcast entitled Sinergi Perguruan Tinggi dan Industri Menuju Kemandirian Teknologi.  The podcast was conducted at the Integrated Creative Engineering Learning Lab (i-CELL) owned by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), Thursday (9/6). Another speaker in this podcast was Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, St., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI. The podcast was hosted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, DEA., Chairman of the President University Education Foundation.

In the podcast, Darmono talked about his efforts to build the Jababeka Industrial Estates and PresUniv. He said, investors need a one-stop service. They do not have to think about finding a location, buying land, or taking care of permits. All must be provided by the manager of the industrial area. "We carry the concept of a world-class fully integrated industrial estate. So, we provide all the services needed by investors, from A to Z, "said Darmono. Investors, he continued, also need legal certainty, ease of licensing, environmental maintenance, including human resources support, so they can  be ready to compete in the world market. If all of that can be provided, said Darmono, industrial estates can become a locomotive for regional development through employment, including technological transformation.

For manpower, Darmono said, investors need recruits from many disciplines. So, the university must meet these needs. There is a difference between the community's desires and the needs of investors. “Community wants a bachelor's degree, while investors want a polytechnic level. So, students must also be  taught practical things, so they have skills that can be directly used in the world of work,” he explained. At PresUniv, this is addressed by requiring students to gain real world experience, among other things, through an internship program. In addition, students can also practice their skills by working in the factories, so they can experience the world of work firsthand. "This way, there will be good cooperation between universities and industry," said Darmono. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gaby)