
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 22 Dec 2021

Monday (20/12), President University (PresUniv) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Karangraharja Village Government, North Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. This event also coincides with positive internet usage training for the community of Karangraharja Village. The signing ceremony and the training were attended by Head of the Karangraharja Village H. Suhendra AR, Ronny Juwono S.Pd, MT, Head of the Information Systems Study Program, PresUniv, Dr. Cutifa Safitri, Abdul Ghofir, M. Kom., Rosalina, M. Kom. and Genta Sahuri, M. Kom, lecturers of PresUniv. Also present were Karangraharja Village staff, Karangraharja Village BPD representatives, RT, RW, BUMDes Karangraharja and LPM representatives from Karangraharja Village as well as representatives from SDN Karangraharja 02.

Representing the Rector of PresUniv, Ronny said that through this visit, PresUniv had been opened by the Karangraharja Village Government to synergize in carrying out activities there. "This is just the beginning. PresUniv has a Village Digitization program. The program does not mean that the village is virtual, but this digitalization is to increase the ability of village communities to use digital applications," he said.

Meanwhile, Suhendra said that there are still educational institutions that care about villages during this pandemic, especially Karangraharja Village. "As the Head of Karangraharja Village, I always welcome it if it is good for the community of Karangraharja Village. Let us prepare the human resources of the village community together with PresUniv for the next five years," he said. Through this opportunity, Suhendra continued, the human resources of the Karangraharja Village community can provide and seek constructive innovations. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Doc. Berita ekspres)