
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 12 Aug 2021

Many do not know, patent registration is not only for the exact sciences, but the social sciences can also do it. To help improve lecturers' knowledge about patents in the social sciences, Research Institute and Community Service (RICS), President University (PresUniv) held a webinar on creating patents in the social sciences, Friday (6/8). This webinar presented Ragil Yoga Edi, S.H., LL.M from the Center for Economic Research, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), as a speaker. This webinar was also attended by Dr. Retnowati, Director of RICS PresUniv.

Ragil explained that technical solutions are the domain of patents. “So, when we talk about patents, we mean technical solutions, but the inventor does not have to be a technical person. Anyone can. Including social people, they can also have patents if they offer technical solutions,” he explained. Ragil said, psychological barriers often occur when social people provide technical solutions and register patents. The patent examiner will not ask about it.

For example, Ragil explained, when researching or finding a problem whose solution requires a technical person, a researcher can recruit a technical person to help work on his findings by agreeing on the patent. “There are many choices and options. So, we need to identify it,” he said. In this webinar, he also explained three patent requirements: new, inventive steps, and applied in industry. “If it meets only one of the requirements, namely novelty, it is possible to register a simple type of patent. As for the ordinary type of patent, it must meet these three conditions," he concluded. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata)