
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 03 Aug 2021

An attractive resume can increase the applicant's chances of being accepted to work in a company. Due to limited time, the company's Human Resources (HR) will not continue the applicant selection process if the resume is not attractive. So, how do you create an attractive resume? To answer this question, Adam Kurniawan Library, President University (PresUniv), held a workshop entitled "Technique for Developing a Good and Attractive Resume" Friday (30/7). Previously, Adam Kurniawan Library held an online talk show entitled “How to Improve the Job Experience During a Pandemic” Monday (12/7).

This workshop presented Maria Immaculata Pareira, S.Psi., Managing Partner President Psychological Consulting, as a speaker. The workshop was guided by Benedict Ajie Kawentar, Director of Human Resources and Law, Yayasan Pendidikan Univesitas Presiden (YPUP). Maria revealed, there are still applicants who equate Curriculum Vitae (CV) and resume. However, those two are different. “Resume provides a brief description of a person, and the presentation is adjusted to the position applied for. While the CV presents a more detailed picture and does not change for any position," she explained.

So, what should be sent when applying for a job? Resume or CV, or both? According to Maria, it depends on the company's request. “If the company does not ask for a resume or CV, applicants should send a resume. Why? Because the resume is easier for HR to learn," she said. She continued, a good resume presentation will allow readers to imagine a person's characteristics before making a face-to-face meeting. So, in conclusion, a resume is a way of self-branding before meeting a company. In this workshop, Maria shared tips on how to make a resume to the participants. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata).