
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 31 Mar 2021

The tradition of drinking Jamu in Indonesia has existed since the 1300s. However, along with time, the tradition of Jamu in the community is decreasing. Especially among young people. Many young people do not like to drink Jamu, because of bitter taste. The problem is the problem that The Jamu Bar is trying to solve, The jamu Bar developed by Charles Saerang. Charles is the former President Director of PT Nyonya Meneer.

According to Charles, during his visit to President University (PresUniv), Friday (26/3), The Jamu Bar was an innovation that made herbal medicine a lifestyle drink. During the visit, Charles was welcomed by Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, and Marissa Astika, Director of Partnerships. Charles explained, he founded Jamu Bar with the hope that the younger generation would not forget the typical Indonesian drinks which are very nutritious to increase endurance. It can even make you stay young.

Some of the jamu flavors developed by The Jamu Bar are very unique. There are mocktails, ginger cappuccino and of course also traditional Jamu. Currently, The Jamu Bar has outlets in Pacific Place, Jakarta. This outlet, according to Charles, received a very positive response from the public. Charles plans to expand his business to the United States, so that Jamu can become a global health drink. (Lita Gabriella, PR team. Photo: Lita Gabriella)





Mengembalikan Tradisi Minum Jamu ke Anak Muda


Tradisi minum jamu di Indonesia telah ada sejak tahun 1300-an. Namun, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, tradisi minum jamu di masyarakat semakin berkurang. Apalagi di kalangan anak muda. Banyak anak muda tidak suka minum jamu, terutama karena rasanya yang pahit. Masalah itulah yang coba diretas oleh The Jamu Bar, gerai jamu yang dikembangkan oleh Charles Saerang. Charles adalah mantan Direktur Utama PT Nyonya Meneer.

Menurut Charles, dalam kunjungannya ke President University (PresUniv), Jumat (26/3), The Jamu Bar merupakan inovasi untuk menjadikan jamu sebagai minuman gaya hidup. Dalam kunjungannya tersebut, Charles diterima Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Wakil Rektor bidang Akademik dan Student Affairs, serta Marissa Astika, Direktur Partnership. Papar Charles, ia mendirikan The Jamu Bar dengan harapan agar generasi muda tidak lupa dengan minuman khas Indonesia yang sangat berkhasiat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Bahkan, dapat membuat awet muda.

Beberapa rasa jamu yang dikembangkan The Jamu Bar sangat unik. Ada jamu mocktails, ginger cappucino dan tentunya juga jamu-jamu tradisional. Saat ini The Jamu Bar telah memiliki outlet di Pacific Place, Jakarta. Gerai ini, menurut Charles, mendapat respon positif dari masyarakat. Itu sebabnya Charles berencana melebarkan bisnisnya hingga ke Amerika Serikat, sehingga jamu bisa menjadi minuman kesehatan yang mendunia. (Lita Gabriella, tim PR. Foto: Lita Gabriella)