
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 29 Mar 2019

At the end of March 2019, President University got good news. Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) study program has been accredited “B” on March 26, 2019 with SK BAN-PT No. 536/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2019.

PSTE is a study program that produces qualified primary school teachers in dealing with children aged 6-12 years who are known as the 'golden age'. Students of PSTE will learn how to become a primary school teacher who has a good understanding of their vocation (profession) as a teacher in terms of: attitude, behavior, and has characters that can be replicated by their student. In addition, students of PSTE will learn to be able to recognize the characteristics of their student in primary schools of the physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual. It will assist them in determining the best approaches/methods to be applied in their classes.

The first class of PSTE was started on September 2017. Grace Neolaka, S.Pd.Gr., M.Pd, the Head of Study Program admitted that she feel happy and touched with the accreditation result. “I’m happy and really touched. Finally the team work from all lecturers and students get the good result.”

“It felt impossible because we don’t have any graduates yet, but I still believe we can get ‘B’. I’m confident we have qualified lecturers, activities and programs.” added Grace.

Grace also hopes that the accreditation result will be a motivation to become better, “We are willing to be a study program that can produce responsive and innovative teacher wherever they teach in the future; local, national or international.”

Di penghujung bulan Maret 2019 ini, President University kembali mendapatkan kabar baik. Program studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) telah resmi meraih akreditasi “B” dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT). SK dengan nomor  BAN-PT No. 536/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/III/2019 ini ditandatangani pada tanggal 26 Maret 2019.

Lulusan PGSD nantinya akan menjadi guru yang mendidik anak usia 6 – 12 tahun yang dikenal dengan golden age. Mahasiswa PGSD belajar bagaimana menjadi guru sekolah dasar yang memiliki pemahaman baik terhadap profesi bahwa sikap, tingkah laku dan karakter mereka akan dicontoh oleh para murid. Selain itu, mereka juga belajar untuk mengenal karakteristik fisik, moral, sosial, budaya, emosi dan kecerdasan murid mereka untuk menentukan metode pengajaran terbaik di kelas.

PGSD merupakan salah satu program studi yang terbilang mempunyai usia muda di President University. Kegiatan belajar mengajar perdana dimulai pada bulan September 2017. Ketua Program Studi  PGSD, Grace Neolaka, S.Pd.Gr., M.Pd, mengaku merasa senang dan terharu PGSD berhasil meraih akreditasi B. “Saya senang dan terharu. Akhirnya kerja keras semua tim dosen dan mahasiswa, apa yang kami persiapkan dari awal, bisa mendapat hasil baik.”

“Meski sepertinya hal ini tidak mungkin, saya tetep yakin kami bisa (mendapat akreditasi) B walaupun belum ada  lulusan. Saya yakin semua kegiatan, program dan dosen yang kami miliki semuanya berkualitas.” tambah Grace.

Grace berharap hasil akreditasi ini menjadi motivasi untuk lebih baik, “Kami ingin menjadi program studi penghasil guru-guru yg responsif dan inovatif dimanapun mereka nantinya mengajar, baik lokal, nasional maupun internasional.