
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 28 Mar 2019

Bekasi (27/3) Faculty of Business of President University held the first Colloquium with theme “To be a world class School of Business in 2030, respected by the industry and the society”. The colloquium was held on March 27, 2019.

The spokespeople presented their researches with various topics. Dr Liswandi came with higher education research, while Ms. Filda Rahmiati, MBA’s research talked about Indonesian tourism.

Mr. A. Hajanirina presented the research about governance ethics, continued by Dr. Genoveva with entrepreneurship theme.

Purwanto, ST., MM. presented green technology and sustainability topic.

Last but not the least, Dr. Josep Ginting, CFA talked about fraud.

Several lecturers and Prof. James Hoopes, a "Murata Professor of Ethics in Business" from Babson College, USA attended the colloquium. In her closing remark, Dr. M.J. Arquisola hoped that the colloquium could be held more frequently on the university’s scale.

Bekasi (27/3) - Fakultas Bisnis President University mengadakan Seminar Akademik perdana yang bertema “To be a world class School of Business in 2030, respected by the industry and the society”. Seminar akademik ini diadakan di kampus President University pada tanggal 27 Maret 2019.

Para pembicara dalam seminar ini membagikan hasil riset mereka yang mengangkat berbagai topik. Dr. Liswandi membawakan riset bertema pendidikan lebih lanjut, riset Filda Rahmiati, MBA bertemakan pariwisata Indonesia, A. Hajanirina dengan tema kode etik pemerintahan, Dr. Genoveva menampilkan riset bertema wirausaha, Purwanto, ST.,MM. tampil dengan tema Green Technology. Pembicara terakhir, Dr. Josep Ginting, CFA. membawakan tema Fraud.

Seminar akademik ini dihadiri oleh dosen dari Fakultas Bisnis dan Prof. James Hoopes dari Babson College, Amerika Serikat. Dalam kata penutupnya, Dr. MJ Arquisola, Dekan Fakultas Bisnis President University menyampaikan harapan agar seminar akademik ini dapat lebih sering dilakukan dan tidak terbatas untuk Fakultas Bisnis, melainkan skala universitas.