
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 10 May 2022

Humans always adapt as they move through life from birth to old age. This process will also be experienced by President University (PresUniv) students who start their entry to the workplace through  internship  (May-September 2022). To succeed the students need to be able to adapt. The Internship and Career Center (ICC) Bureau, PresUniv, again held Internship Briefing titled: Transitioning to the Workplace, Wednesday (27/4). This internship briefing was presented by Haris Herdiansyah, S.Psi., M.Si, a lecturer in the Communication Studies Program and a student counselor at PresUniv. This briefing was held online and was attended by more than 250 students.

When opening the briefing, ICC Director JB Susetiyo said, the world of work is very different from the world of campus. “When we were in college, we were only responsible for ourselves and to our parents. In the world of work, we are responsible to the team and the company,” he said. So, the ability to work together in a team (teamwork) is very important. JBS continued,  if we do not perform, the team's performance will be disrupted. If the team's performance is disrupted, it will also have an impact on the performance of the entire organization. "So, it is important that the student will be able to integrate well with the team and perform  during an internship or when they enter the world of work," stressed JBS.

Meanwhile, Haris delivered material on Self-Driving: The Key to Successful Adaptation. He explained that self-driving is the ability to achieve goals with mental and cognitive processes carried out in such a way as to adapt, solve challenges, and find solutions to the problems you will face. To have this ability, there needs to be a change in students perception, attitude, and behavior. Haris reminded us that changes in behavior must be carried out starting first with a change in perception then a change in attitude. "After both have changed, then behavior can be changed," he said. The briefing closed with further explanations from the ICC team regarding the internship program at PresUniv. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang)