
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 18 May 2021

Rey Abraham, International Relations Study Program student batch 2018, President University (PresUniv), became the 1st Runner-Up in the ASEAN Youth Speech Contest, held by C asean and Win Win War Thailand, Friday (30/4). This speech competition was held online from Bangkok, Thailand, and was attended by more than 70 youths in Southeast Asia. The competition, entitled “From Self to Sustainable Society”, consisted of two stages: preliminary and grand final.

For the contest, Rey said the participants sent a video of their speech for three minutes at the preliminary stage to be selected into the top ten finalists. At the grand final stage, Rey discussed the contribution of youth-related sustainability. "I explained some critical things in my speech, such as Jakarta as the most polluted city in Southeast Asia 2019 and Citarum, which was once the dirtiest river in the world in 2009. I also analyzed the impact that would happen in the future, such as worse living conditions, extinction, and biodiversity collapse," he said.

In his speech, Rey revealed that people consciously do not care about the environment. He said, "For that, we must be able to change the mindset of I do not care into I do care." Rey also provided several solutions to these problems, such as involving youth as agents of change through behavior change. Through this competition, Rey wants to challenge himself to participate in a speech competition at a higher level with a theme he has never studied before. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Rey Abraham)




Rey Abraham Raih Juara ke-2 ASEAN Youth Speech Contest

Rey Abraham, mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Hubungan Internasional batch 2018, President University (PresUniv), menjadi 1st Runner-Up  dalam ASEAN Youth Speech Contest yang diadakan oleh C asean dan Win Win War Thailand, Jumat (30/4). Lomba pidato ini diselenggarakan secara daring dari Bangkok, Thailand, dan diikuti oleh lebih dari 70 pemuda di Asia Tenggara. Lomba yang bertajuk From Self to Sustainable Society ini terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu preliminary dan grand final.

Rey mengatakan, para peserta mengirimkan video pidato mereka selama tiga menit pada tahap  preliminary untuk diseleksi menjadi sepuluh besar finalis. Pada tahap grand final, Rey membahas mengenai kontribusi pemuda yang berkaitan dengan sustainability. “Saya menjelaskan beberapa hal genting pada pidato saya, seperti Jakarta sebagai the most polluted city in Southeast Asia 2019 dan Citarum yang pernah menjadi the dirtiest river in the world di 2009. Saya juga menganalisa dampak yang akan terjadi ke depannya, seperti worse living condition, extinction, dan biodiversity collapse,” ujarnya.

Dalam pidatonya, Rey mengungkapkan, masyarakat secara sadar menjadi tidak peduli terhadap lingkungan. Katanya, “Untuk itu kita harus bisa change the mindset of I don’t care into I do care.” Rey juga memberikan beberapa solusi terkait permasalahan tersebut, seperti melibatkan para pemuda sebagai agen perubahan melalui perubahan perilaku. Melalui lomba ini, Rey ingin menantang dirinya untuk mengikuti lomba pidato pada level yang lebih tinggi dengan tema yang belum pernah ia pelajari sebelumnya. (Gilang Suryanata, tim PR. Foto: Rey Abraham)