
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 06 Apr 2021

Management Study Program student team, President University (PresUniv), won 2nd place in the HSBC Business Case Competition, Thursday (1/4). The Dexter team, the name of the team from PresUniv, consists of four Management Study Program students, which are Arista (batch 2019), also Gladys, Klarissa, and Nathanael Revin (batch 2018). This team was also guided by two trainers from academics and practitioners, which are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M., Head of Management Study Program at PresUniv, and Kristina, Head of Business Services, SVS Delivery Management PT Bank HSBC Indonesia.

Genoveva admitted that the Dexter team had struggled hard in this event. "We exercised up to six times every time the competition is finished in one round," she revealed. As a result, in the first round, the preliminary round, Dexter's team managed to win against teams from the Universitas Indonesia and Binus University in the battle round and entered the final. In this round, all teams competed with the same case, but were given the opportunity to make presentations and improvements with different judges. Then in the final round  the PresUniv team competed with teams from Gadjah Mada University and Padjadjaran University, and won 2nd place.

Said Genoveva, she coached the team with many cases that had appeared in previous years and provided reviews and evaluations of the discussion’s results. In this event, the cases provided are Asian Business Cases with various complexities. Starting from management, marketing, distribution to financial issues. Genoveva hopes that in the future the PresUniv team can win 1st place. "The team that won first place will represent Indonesia at the Asia Pacific level. The location is usually in Hong Kong," she concluded. (Silvia Desi Betrice, PR team.Photo: Genoveva)




Tim Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen Juara II HSBC Business Case Competition


Tim mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen, President University (PresUniv), berhasil menjadi Juara ke-2 ajang HSBC Business Case Competition, Kamis, (1/4). Tim Dexter, nama tim dari PresUniv, beranggotakan empat mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen, yaitu Arista (batch 2019), serta Gladys, Klarissa, dan Nathanael Revin (batch 2018). Tim ini juga didampingi dua pelatih dari akademisi dan praktisi, yaitu Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M., Kaprodi Manajemen PresUniv, dan Kristina, Head of Business Services, SVS Delivery Management PT Bank HSBC Indonesia.

Genoveva mengaku bahwa tim Dexter telah berjuang keras dalam ajang ini. “Kami latihan sampai enam kali setiap lomba selesai dalam satu babak,” ungkapnya. Hasilnya, pada babak pertama, yaitu babak penyisihan, tim Dexter berhasil menang melawan tim dari Universitas Indonesia dan Binus University dalam battle round dan masuk ke final. Di babak ini semua tim bersaing dengan case yang sama, tapi diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan presentasi dan perbaikan dengan juri yang berbeda. Baru di babak final tim PresUniv bersaing dengan tim dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Universitas Padjadjaran, dan berhasil merebut Juara ke-2.

Ungkap Genoveva, ia melatih tim dengan banyak case yang pernah muncul pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya serta memberikan review dan evaluasi terhadap hasil bahasan. Dalam ajang ini, case yang disediakan adalah Asian Business Case dengan berbagai kompleksitas. Mulai dari masalah manajemen, pemasaran, distribusi hingga finansial. Genoveva berharap ke depannya tim PresUniv bisa meraih juara ke-1. “Tim yang menjadi juara pertama akan mewakili Indonesia di level Asia Pasifik. Lokasinya biasanya di Hongkong,” tutupnya. (Silvia Desi Betrice, tim PR. Foto: Genoveva)