Published: 26 Apr 2024

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, the English Literacy and Literature Center (ELLC) at President University (Presuniv) welcomed representatives from the Language Laboratory of Pasundan University (Unpas). The visit by the Pasundan University Language Lab aimed to gain insights into language learning at ELLC and Presuniv. The visiting team included Dr. Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha, SS, M.Hum, Head of the Language Lab at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd, Language Lab Instructor, and U. Permana, an educator at the Language Lab. They were received by Ani Pujiastuti, Ph.D., Director of ELLC, and other staff members. During the presentation, Ani explained that ELLC was established due to Presuniv's adoption of English as the medium of instruction. Ani highlighted that ELLC collaborates with faculty members to enhance English language proficiency among students, faculty, and staff. (Graciella V, PR team. Photo: ELLC Documentation).