Published: 11 Feb 2022

Building excellent synergy between President University (PresUniv) and other President University Education Foundation (YPUP) units, including the Jababeka Group. That is one of several plans that will be carried out by Prof. Dr. Chairy as the new Rector of President University. Said Prof. Chairy, "Another plan is that currently 50% of all study programs at PresUniv have been accredited A. I hope this number can continue to grow." Prof. Chairy was appointed as Rector for a term of 11 February 2022 until 11 February 2026, replacing Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto. The handover ceremony was held on Friday (11/2) and took place in hybrid. The two of them exchanged positions. Henceforth, Prof. Jony will occupy the position previously carried by Prof. Chairy, namely as Secretary of YPUP.

In his remarks at the handover ceremony, the Chairperson of YPUP Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, DEA, expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to Prof. Jony. He said, “Prof. Jony has succeeded in bringing PresUniv from being accredited B to being accredited A. Then, in terms of research, PresUniv has also succeeded in making a leap from the original, including the Guidance cluster, directly to the Main cluster. This is a proud achievement.” Even so, Prof. Budi sees that there is still room for PresUniv to improve its performance.

Meanwhile, Dr. (HC) SD Darmono, Chairman of YPUP's Board of Trustees, who is also the founder of PresUniv and the Jababeka Group, emphasized the importance of all levels of PresUniv to improve their performance continuously. "This is important so that PresUniv is not only a "Cikarang University", but truly a world-class university on par with the National University of Singapore, Harvard University, or Stanford University. One of the indicators is being able to bring lecturers and students from abroad to teach and become students at PresUniv,” said Darmono, who delivered his message online. (JB Susetiyo, PR team. Photo: Silvi Desi Betrice).