
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 22 Oct 2018

Imaduena Aesa Tibela Sitohang, or well-known as Dwen, a student of Management Study Program President University has succeeded to achieve scholarship from Astra International. The scholarship is given to 40 selected students out of thousands of applicants from universities in Java.

Through the long process which started by submitting the Curriculum Vitae and other data, undergoing psycho test, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), and interview, Dwen managed to get Astra International scholarships in the form of educational funding and self-development training as well as direct guidance for scholarship awardees to face the world of work.

“I am very grateful to God and thankful for all parties especially President University and the head of Management Study Program, Ibu Genoveva, who always support me financially, educationally, or psychologically during the process,” said Dwen.

Genoveva also advised not to hesitate to ask for help from the university. "Keep on honoring the name of the university, and don't hesitate to ask for support and assistance from us," explained Genova.

Imaduena Aesa Tibela Sitohang atau yang kerap disapa Dwen, mahasiswi program studi Manajemen President University berhasil meraih beasiswa Astra International. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada 40 mahasiswa terpilih dari ribuan pelamar yang terdiri dari mahasiswa seluruh universitas di Pulau Jawa.


Melalui  proses panjang yang dimulai dari pengumpulan Curriculum Vitae dan data identitas, psikotes, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), dan tahap terakhir wawancara, Dwen berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa Astra International yang berupa  bantuan dana pendidikan dan pelatihan pengembangan diri sekaligus bimbingan langsung pada penerima beasiswa untuk menghadapi dunia kerja.

“Saya sangat bersyukur kepada Tuhan dan terimakasih kepada semua pihak khususnya President University dan Kepala Program Studi Management, Ibu Genoveva, yang selalu mendukung selama prosesnya baik dalam bentuk finansial, edukasi maupun psikologis.” jelas Dwen.

Genoveva juga berpesan untuk tidak sungkan meminta bantuan dari pihak universitas. “Teruslah mengharumkan nama universitas, dan jangan sungkan untuk meminta support dan bantuan dari kami.” Jelas Genova.