
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 21 Sep 2018

International Relations Study Program of President University is currently hosting a prestigious event called “President University Model United Nation (PresMUN)” at The Celecton Hotel, Jababeka starts from 19-22 September 2018. PresMUN has received high enthusiasm from both National and International proved by the high number of participants coming from university students of Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Model United is an academic activity on the simulation of United Nations conference where the participants have a role to be representative of a country and discuss the given issue or topic. In the event, the participants are encouraged to enhance the critical thinking and diplomatic skills such as negotiation, debate, lobbying, and so on to solve the issue.

This year PresMUN chose a theme “Envisioning an Exquisite Outlook: A Call For Global Synergy in The Technological Era” which consist of five councils: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Security Council (UNSC), International Telecommunication Union, Crisis Committee, and Press Corps.

Attended the event, Bima Yudhistira (Economist of Institute for Development of Economics and Finance of United Nations Development Programme), Marsma TNI Asep Chaerudin, M.A.S.S (Deputi Bidang Penanggulangan dan Pemulihan BSSN), Suaib Tahir (Expert Staff of Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme), Lydia M. Kusnadi (Brand Manager of PT. Amartha), Dr. Endi Haryono, S.IP., M.Si (Dean of School of Humanities President University), Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA (Head of International Relations Study Program President University), and other distinguished guests.

“The students who participate in this event can exchange ideas and perspective to try to solve the current global issues that we are currently facing and to contribute for the better future,” said Dr. Endi.

Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional President University tengah menyelenggaraklan acara bergengsi “President University Model United Nation (PresMUN)” yang diselenggarakan di Hotel Celecton, Jababeka pada 19-22 September 2018. PresMUN telah mendapat antusiasme tinggi baik dari domestik maupun mancanegara terlihat dari 126 peserta yang berasal dari mahasiswa dari Singapura, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, dan Indonesia.

Model United Nation adalah sebuah aktifitas akademis mengenai simulasi konferensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa  dimana para peserta menjadi perwakilan dari suatu negara dan membahas mengenai isu atau topik yang telah ditentukan. Dalam acara tersebut, para peserta diharapkan untuk mempertajam kemampuan berpikir kritis dan diplomatis seperti negosiasi, debat, melobi, dan lainnya untuk menyelesaikan suatu isu.

Tahun ini PresMUN memilih tema “Envisioning an Exquisite Outlook: A Call For Global Synergy in The Technological Era” yang terdiri dari lima majelis, yaitu: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Security Council (UNSC), International Telecommunication Union, Crisis Committee, dan Press Corps.

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut, Bima Yudhistira (Ekonom Institute for Development of Economics and Finance of United Nations Development Programme), Marsma TNI Asep Chaerudin, M.A.S.S (Deputi Bidang Penanggulangan dan Pemulihan BSSN), Suaib Tahir (Staf ahli Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme), Lydia M. Kusnadi (Brand Manager of PT. Amartha), Dr. Endi Haryono, S.IP., M.Si (Dekan Fakultas Humaniora President University), Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA (Kepala Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional President University), dan tamu kehormatan lainnya.

“Para mahasiswa yang mengikuti acara ini dapat bertukar ide dan pemikiran untuk mencoba menyelesaikan masalah global yang tengah kita hadapi dan untuk ikut bekontribusi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik,” ucap Dr. Endi.