Published: 10 Aug 2018

President University held a signing ceremony for Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 20 universities from Taiwan on Thursday (9/10) at Jababeka Golf, Cikarang. The MoU was signed by the Rector of President University, Dr. Jony O. Haryanto, and was attended by the Minister Peter Lan (Taipei Economic and Trade Office), Willy Yanto Widjaya (CEO of Taiwan Education Center Jakarta), Rini Lestari (Chairman of the Taiwan Education Center Jakarta), and a number of representatives from each university.

The agreement contains cooperation that will be carried out by both parties which include student exchange programs, research, cultural programs, and others. "This collaboration begins a new and deeper collaboration between universities. We hope that there will be many students go to Taiwan to study, and also faculty exchange, as well as joint research," said Jony in his speech.

According to Willy Yanto Widjaya, currently, the cooperation in the field of education with Taiwan is still low. Therefore, with this cooperation, it is expected to provide a new color and hope for both parties. “As we know, universities in Taiwan have a good reputation, just like President University. I think this cooperation need to be encouraged to get excellent output to improve the quality of human resources," Willy said.

On the other hand, one of the representatives of Tunghai University, Prof. Annie Tsai stated that they welcomed the new cooperation and expect to collaborate and open connections between countries.

The signing ceremony was a series of events from the "Taiwan Higher Education Fair" held on Friday, 10 August 2018 at the Jababeka Convention Center.

President University menyelenggarakan upacara penanda tanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan 20 universitas yang berasal dari Taiwan pada Kamis (9/10) di Jababeka Golf, Cikarang. MoU tersebut ditanda tangani oleh Rektor President University, Dr. Jony O. Haryanto, dan dihadiri oleh Minister Peter Lan (Taipei Economic and Trade Office), Willy Yanto Widjaya (CEO Taiwan Education Center Jakarta), Rini Lestari (Chairman Taiwan Education Center Jakarta), dan sejumlah perwakilan dari masing-masing universitas.

Kesepakatan tersebut berisi mengenai kerja sama yang akan dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak yang meliputi program pertukaran pelajar, riset, program kebudayaan, dan lain-lain. “Kerja sama ini memulai kolaborasi baru yang lebih dalam antar universitas. Kami berharap akan ada banyak mahasiswa yang pergi ke Taiwan untuk belajar, pertukaran dosen, juga riset bersama,” Ungkap Jony dalam pidato sambutannya.

Menurut Willy Yanto Widjaya, saat ini kerja sama di bidang pendidikan dengan Taiwan masih sedikit, oleh karena itu dengan adanya kerja sama kali ini diharapkan dapat memberikan satu warna dan harapan baru bagi kedua belah pihak. “Seperti diketahui universitas di Taiwan mempunyai reputasi yang baik, sama seperti President University. Saya rasa kerja sama ini harus didorong terus dan mendapatkan suatu output yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia,” Ujar Willy.

Disisi lain, salah satu perwakilan dari Tunghai University, Prof. Annie Tsai menyatakan bahwa pihaknya sangat menyambut baik kerja sama tersebut dan dengan diharapkan dapat berkolaborasi dan membuka koneksi antar negara.

Acara penanda tanganan ini merupakan rangkaian acara dari pameran pendidikan “Taiwan Higher Education Fair” yang dilaksanakan pada Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018 di Jababeka Convention Center.