Published: 08 Sep 2017

Cikarang, Indonesia – President University Foundation (YPUP) in cooperation with President University Club and Communities Zahirul Ma’ala (ZM) has held an event for celebrating Eid Mubarak Al-Adha 1438H with a theme “Spread the Joy through Sacrifice”. The event aimed to encourage all PresUniv’s civitas academica to do kindness by sharing good things to the people. In this event, the students and staff were working  together to slaughter the Qurban animals at Canopy A, President University (4/8). Dr. Jony O. Haryanto, Rector of President University, also attended the event.

Qurban is an Arabic word which means sacrifice, whereby livestock (cows and goats) are slaughtered and then distributed to the people to be cooked and eaten. There were seven Qurban animals in total in this event, three of them are cows and the others are goats.

The result of the slaughtered Qurban animals produced approximately 520 parcels of meat, each parcel weighed 1.2Kg. There were 200 parcel that was distributed by the students from ZM Community to the people around Cibeber Village and also to the Rumah Harapan Orphanage while the other 300 parcels were distributed to all of the President University Foundation (YPUP) staff.

After the Qurban, the event continued with a lunch banquet for Eid Al-Adha, participated by all of the staff of YPUP at Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University.

Dr. Dedi Rianto Rahadi, MM (Head of the Event Committee “Eid Al-Adha 1438H”) said that the event was running successfully as expected, especially the solidarity and the teamworks.

“I do hope that through this event, President University could increase the sense of togetherness as a family and also s ocial concerns to the others”, said Dedi. (YE)

Cikarang, Indonesia – Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas President (YPUP) bekerja sama dengan President University Club and Communities Zahirul Ma’ala (ZM) telah menyelenggarakan sebuah acara dalam rangka memperingati hari Raya Idul Adha 1438H dengan tema acara “Spread the Joy through Sacrifice”. Acara ini bertujuan untuk mendorong semua sivitas akademika President University agar dapat terus berbuat baik dan berbagi hal-hal yang baik kepada sesama. Pada acara ini, mahasiswa dan Karyawan/karyawati bekerja bersama untuk melakukan pemotongan hewan Qurban yang bertempat di Canopy A, President University (4/8). Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, Rector of President University, juga turut menghadiri acara.

Qurban berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berarti pengorbanan, dimana hewan ternak (sapi dan kambing) disembelih dan dibagikan kepada masyarakat untuk dimasak dan dikonsumsi. Terdapat tujuh hewan Qurban pada acara ini, tiga diantara mereka adalah sapi dan yang sisanya adalah kambing.

Hasil dari pemotongan hewan Qurban tersebut kira-kira mencapai 520 bungkus daging seberat 1.2Kg. Terdapat 200 bungkus daging yang dibagikan oleh mahasiswa dari ZM Community kepada masyarakat sekitar kampung Cibeber dan juga kepada Panti Asuhan Rumah Harapan sedangkan 300 bungkusan daging lainnya yaitu untuk dibagikan kepada seluruh karyawan Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas President (YPUP).

Setelah pemotongan hewan Qurban, acara dilanjutkan dengan jamuan makan siang Idul Adha bersama seluruh karyawan/karyawati dari Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas President (YPUP) yang bertempat di Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University.

Dr. Dedi Rianto Rahadi, MM (Head of the Event Committee “Eid Al-Adha 1438H”) menuturkan bahwa acara berjalan dengan sangat lancar seperti yang diharapkan oleh panitia, terutama dalam hal kekompakan dan kerjasama dalam tim.

“Saya berharap melalui acara ini, President University dapat meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan sebagai sebuah keluarga dan juga rasa kepedulian sosial terhadap sesama” tutur, Dedi. (YE)