Hari Suryanto, S.Sn., M.Sn.

He is well known as Hari Sinthu and also well known for his involvement in Indonesian arts, cultures and films. Starting his interest in photography, he has developed his expertise on documentary film making. He’s been to a lot of places in Nusantara for photography exhibitions, being a speaker in quite many workshops and being an Art Director in some national and international events. As a Master’s degree holder in Arts, he started his teaching career in 2005 at Fakultas Film & Televisi Institut Kesenian Jakarta. For the last 10 years he has made several achievements in film industries:

  • Nominee in 44th Anniversary of TVRI in feature film competition
  • Director of Photography and editor fof the following films:
  • ‘Sang Buddha Bersemayam di Borobudur’ (this film won Citra Award in Indonesian Film-2007),
  • ‘Ritus Swara’ (a nominee for Documentary Fim Category in Indonesian Film Festival-2008 )
  • ‘Rahayu Supanggah ‘ (a nominee for Documentary Fim Category in Indonesian Film Festival-2009)
  • ‘Wayang Kampung Sebelah’ (3rd Winner in Local Genius/Wisdom Film Festival held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism-2011) and a Finalist in Yogyakarta Documentary Film Festival-2012.
  • Mas Hari also got involved in making the documentary film on Gesang Sang Maestro as a content researcher and a photography director (this film won a Citra Award in Indonesian Film Festival-2016).

Now, he still actively gets involved in making some documentary films, photography exhibitions, arts performance and does research by a visual anthropology approach.


  • M.Sn., Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
  • S.Sn., Institut Kesenian Jakarta