Dr. Andreas Yumarma, S. Pd., M.Phil.

Dr. Andreas Yumarma has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research, community empowerment, training and consultancy in Higher Education. His expertise is Eastern Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies.

He was the chairman of the Ethic Commission (2015 -2016) and Secretary of the Ethic Commission (2013-2015) in President University Senate.

He has 5 years of managerial experience as the member of Sandjojo Foundation (1996-2001), Rector of Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia (2007-2009), Charman of Aksi Kemanusiaan Soegijapranata (ASKS) in coping with refugees and the victims of conflicts in East Timor, Ambon and Aceh (1998-2001), and Ethical Advisor of the Kinasih Medical Docters Association (1998-2001).


  • Ph.D., Pontifical Gregorian University
  • M.Phil., Pontifical Gregorian University
  • S.Pd., Sanata Dharma