Chandra has a Doctoral in finance qualification from Graduate School of Management (now: Putra Business School), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, the first of higher institution in Malaysia that accredited by ACCSB. He also has Doctoral in Education Management from Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia with Excellent and the best graduation.

Chandra has about 26 years of Teaching, Research, Training and Consultancy Experience including 10 years served as rector of two different institutions. He also has about five years of Business and Administrative Experience including senior position as a Comptroller.

His research interest would be in Banking and Finance, especially the comparation between Islamic and Conventional Banks in all aspects.


Chandra's expertise is in Finance especially Financial Management and Islamic Finance. But he also teaches Introduction to Business, Management Accounting, Islamic Banking, Corporate Budgeting, Feasibility Study in undergraduate and MBA programmes.


  • Ph.D, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia 2012
  • Dr., Jakarta State University
  • M.M., Faculty of Graduate Studies Field: Investment & Banking.
  • Drs., Islamic University of Indonesia

Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D ()


  • Setiawan, C., & Hesty Oktariza (2013). Syariah and Conventional Stocks Performance of Public Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exhange, Journal of Accounting Finance and Economics, Vol. 3 Number 1 July 2013.
  • Setiawan, C. & Shinta (2013). Non-Performing Financing and Bank Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research, Vol 2 Number 1 September 2013.
  • Setiawan, C., Kabir H., Mohammed S., Taufiq H.Non-Performing Loans and Bank Efficiency of Conventional and Islamic Banks in the Organization Of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries” Proceedings. 9th International Conference Islamic Economics and Finance.
  • Shinta, A.H. & Chandra (2015). A Comparative Study of Efficiency between Conventional and Islamic Banks in Indonesia. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2015, 5(5):790-804.
  • Chandra Setiawan (2014). The Contribution of Confucian Religion to Regional and Global Peace. International Symposium in Commemorating the 2565th Anniversary of Confucius ‘ Birthday & the 5th Meeting of International Confucian Association from 23th to 29th September 2014 in Beijing.
  • Shinta, A.H. & Chandra (2015). Bank Efficiency  and non-performing financing (NPF) in the Indonesia Islamic Bank. Asian Journal of Economic Modelling, 2015, 3(3): 61-79.
  • Shinta, A.H., & Chandra C.(2015). The Determinants of ROA (Return on Assets) Of Full-Fledged Islamic Banks in Indonesia”. Jurnal Internal UMB Volume V No. 1 Februari 2015.
  • Setiawan, C. & Bhirawa P.B. (2016). Non-performing financing (NPF) and cost efficiency of Islamic Banks in Indonesia period 2012Q1 to 2015Q2. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking (JEIEFB). An Online International Research Journal (ISSN: 2306-367X) 2016 Vol: 5 Issue: 1.
  • Chandra S., Bryna M (2016). Tourist Destination Branding Model: Application to City Branding of Jakarta, Indonesia (The Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs). Proceedings of IICIES 2016, Manila, Philippines, July 28 – 30, 2016.
  • Non-performing Loans and Bank Efficiency of Conventional & Islamic Banks. Germany. Scholars’ Press, 2014.
  • Keberagaman dan Toleransi, Perspektif Khonghucu, p. 115-134 dalam buku Toleransi dan Perkauman Keberagaman Dalam Perspektif Agama-Agama dan Etnis-Etnis. Jakarta: Perkumpulan Lentera Timur, 2014.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D

President University Campus, Jababeka Education Park, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kota Jababeka, Cikarang Baru, Bekasi 17550, Indonesia.


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