PresUniv in Pictures

Published: 09 Mar 2021

Three students of the Communication Study Program, President University (PresUniv), were selected to participate in the "SCENE: Masterclass Pengembangangan Skenario Film TV dan OTT" which was held in Bali, 1-4 October 2020. This activity is a collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy with the Indonesian Film and Television Employees Association to help creative workers stay productive in the pandemic era. The three students are Alvin Christian (bacth 2017), Haysel LA Nursewan and Inzagi Rafsanjani (both batch 2018). Apart from Bali, SCENE was also held in Yogyakarta on 15-18 October 2020, and Toba (28-31 October 2020). Only 20 selected participants participated in each city. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Doc. Communication Study Program, PresUniv.)

Tiga mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Komunikasi, President University (PresUniv), terpilih mengikuti “SCENE: Masterclass Pengembangangan Skenario Film TV dan OTT” yang diadakan di Bali, 1-4 Oktober 2020. Kegiatan ini merupakan kolaborasi Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) dengan Persatuan Karyawan Film dan Televisi Indonesia untuk membantu para pekerja kreatif agar tetap produktif di era pandemi. Tiga mahasiswa itu adalah Alvin Christian (bacth 2017), Haysel LA Nursewan dan Inzagi Rafsanjani (keduanya batch 2018). Selain di Bali, SCENE juga diadakan di Yogyakarta pada 15-18 Oktober 2020, dan Danau Toba (28-31 Oktober 2020). Masing-masing kota hanya diikuti oleh 20 peserta terpilih. (Gilang Suryanata, tim PR. Foto: Dok. Prodi Komunikasi, PresUniv.)



Inzagi, Alvin, and Haysel were pitching in front of stakeholders and buyers.
Inzagi, Alvin, dan Haysel sedang pitching di hadapan stakeholderdan buyers.


Inzagi and Haysel were interviewed by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Inzagi dan Haysel diwawancari oleh Kemenparekraf.

Photo with the participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... 

Foto bersama para peserta.

From the total of 60 participants, the top ten participants were selected to take part in the training in developing and presenting their scenario concepts. Haysel with his work entitled "Dirty Little Beauty" managed to become the top ten participants.

Dari total 60 peserta tersebut, dipilih sepuluh peserta terbaik untuk mengikuti pelatihan dalam mengembangkan skenarionya dan mempresentasikan konsep skenario mereka. Haysel dengan karyanya  berjudul “Dirty Little Beauty” berhasil menjadi sepuluh peserta terbaik tersebut.

Haysel with Titien Wattimena, the scriptwriter of "Dilan", "Dilan 1991", "Milea".

Haysel bersama Titien Wattimena, penulis skenario “Dilan”, “Dilan 1991”, “Milea”.


Haysel received a plaque from Eric Gunawan, the scriptwriter.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... 

Haysel menerima plakat dari Eric Gunawan, penulis skenario.

Haysel received a plaque from Syaifullah, Director of the Theater and Animation Film Industry, Kemenparekraf.

Haysel menerima plakat dari Syaifullah, Direktur Industri Film Teater dan Animasi, Kemenparekraf.