
Published: 07 Jan 2022

Future leader. That is what Rey Abraham wanted to achieve, a student of the International Relations Study Program, President University (PresUniv), batch 2018. What is a future leader, Rey? "He is a figure who must be able to bring change in society," he answered firmly.

It was this desire that made Rey decide to study political science. Through politics, he will have more opportunities to formulate policies and even execute them.

The inspiration to study political science also came from his family. Rey said, some of his family members were involved in politics. "I see that what they do, especially as leaders, turns out to have a huge impact on the wider community," he said. So, after graduating from SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar, Bali, Rey decided to continue his education at the International Relations Study Program, PresUniv.

During his studies at PresUniv, said Rey, he felt that he had many opportunities to achieve his dream. Even get a much broader understanding, namely about international relations.

In fact, said Rey, he was initially not interested in politics. However, during high school, Rey saw many things that could be improved and developed in Indonesia if he understood and entered the world of politics. One of them, Rey can do work related to policymaking by entering the world of politics.


Accepted by Three World Class Universities

Besides politics, Rey also began to pay attention to other issues, such as social inequality, poverty, inequality in the education system and infrastructure. For that, he then learned about the systems and arrangements in various countries, especially developed countries, to be applied in Indonesia. He explored the experiences from various countries through the International Relations Study Program.

Rey said, “Through international relations, I can gain knowledge about how countries, especially developed countries, manage their domestic affairs. In addition, international relations also open up opportunities for Indonesia to be able to work together and improve the quality of human resources with other countries in the world.”

To support his desire, Rey also learned several foreign languages. For example, Rey is also studying French and Thai, besides English.

In the political field, Rey aspires to become the Minister for Foreign Affairs. He believes that by learning more about international relations, pursuing higher education, and gaining connections and experiences, he will be closer to his dream. That is why after graduating from PresUniv, Rey decided to continue his education to a higher level. He also enrolled in various world class universities

Even though he is still a prospective graduate at PresUniv, Rey has successfully passed the entrance selection for master's programs at three world class universities. The three universities are Masters of Philosophy in Development Studies, University of Cambridge, the third-best university in the world; Masters of Public Policy, University of Auckland, ranked 85th university in the world; and Masters of International Relations and National Security, Curtin University, ranked 194th in the world.

Now, Rey is considering which university to choose. He said, "There are several aspects to be considered." During the preparation period for studying abroad, Rey received direct guidance from Dr. M.A.S. Hikam, APU, Head of International Relations Study Program, PresUniv.

According to Hikam, there are indeed several things that Rey needs to prepare before he continues his studies abroad. He said, prospective students need to be more open, to understand better and accept different cultures. In addition, prospective students also need to focus more on what they are interested in.

Hikam said, “When I say openness in cultural interactions, it does not mean we forget or even marginalize our identity as the nation's children. Not that. Focusing on interests also does not mean ignoring issues outside the science of international relations." That was the message he conveyed to Rey.


Tips for Passing World Class University Entrance Selection

During his studies at PresUniv, Rey focused not only on pursuing academic achievements. He is also diligent in participating in various organizational activities. Rey said it was important for him to gain experience in organizing and participating in various competitions. 

“Through the organization, I have learned to improve various abilities, such as the ability in interpersonal communication and leadership. Meanwhile, by participating in various competitions, I can also expand my connections,” he said. While in college, Rey joined various organizations, such as President University Model United Nations, President University Debating Society, and AIESEC.

According to Rey, he feels many benefits during the organization. Mainly in developing leadership skills, critical thinking, and analytical skills. “All these skills help me to give the best application for registration. Each university must also look at the applicants' experience in their responsibilities and leadership. So, all my organizational experiences make my application different from the others,” he said.

While in college, Rey was also actively participating in various competitions. Even become a champion. According to him, these competitions added to his readiness to familiarize himself with the realm of politics, diplomacy, and other global issues. One of the competitions that impressed Rey was the United Nations Development Program of International Student Energy Model UN by Universitas Indonesia, entitled Renewable Energy. After participating in this competition, he became interested in developing the country's potential and turning to renewable energy.

This competition became one of the moments that made him realize that he wanted to continue his studies to the master's program with a relevant major. Rey is optimistic that with the increase in knowledge, he will contribute to Indonesia positively.

Diligently participating in various competitions also made Rey aware of the importance of cooperative relations between countries. Because, according to him, change cannot happen alone but requires the collective action of each actor. That is why out of all majors in the master's program, Rey chose those related to policy formulation and international relations to achieve development in every aspect of life.

For PresUniv graduates who want to continue their studies, Rey advised finding a destination to study abroad as early as possible. Then, prepare all the requirements in advance. "Do not be too tight," he said. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang)