
Published: 23 Feb 2021

In a webinar at President University entitled "No Modal, No Sukses. Benarkah?”, Saripin Taidy, founder and President Director of PT Probesco Disatama, a company engaged in heavy equipment business, referred to five book topics that successful people need to read. What are those? Books on human relations, negotiation, leadership, biographies, and entrepreneurship. Here are some book titles from Saripin's five topics that deserve to be chosen:


Our everyday life contains negotiations. Start negotiating with yourself, until other people, starting from the family environment, and in social activities to the business. What are the best books on negotiation? Website www.inc.com, mentions seven must-read books.
Getting More book
Source: www.gettingmore.com

According to Diamond, in many negotiation cases, we often run into deadlocks when our competitors are faced. Failed to reach an agreement. If you have this, the path we use is "power". We impose our will. That is certainly not the best way.

In the book Getting More, Diamond describes tips, tips, tricks, and strategies for winning negotiations in elegant and practical ways. This book contains not only theory but is also rich with inspirational examples. Starting from simple to complex negotiations. You deserve to read. An Indonesian version of this book is also available.

Six other books referenced by www.inc.com are Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. This book discusses how to communicate effectively and is suitable for those who are not used to negotiating.

Source: www.amazon.com, www.goodreads.com


Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. This book was written by Robert B. Cialdini, a professor emeritus in psychology and marketing from Arizona State University, USA. If Looking at the author, this book is intended for sales & marketing practitioners. There is an interesting quote from this book: "Presenting an inexpensive product first and following it with an expensive one will cause the expensive item to seem even more costly as a result." Do you agree?

Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. The author is G. Richard Shell, a professor at Thomas Gerrity Professor of Legal Studies, Business Ethics, and Management. In this book, Shell emphasizes the importance of knowing ourselves before starting negotiations with others. This book identifies five styles of negotiation. This book is also equipped with various tools that will help you identify which style suits you according to the conditions.

There are still three other books, the www.inc.com version, worthy of reference for those wishing to negotiate. There's Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, written by Authors: Roger Fisher, William L. Ury, and Bruce Patton. There is an interesting suggestion from this book: "It suggests that you look for mutual gains whenever possible, and that where you interests conflict, you should insist that the result be based upon some fair standards independent of the will of either side."

Source: www.gettingmore.com


Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz presents a different perspective from the book Getting to Yes. Rather than assuming someone understands what their interests are and acts accordingly, according to Voss and Raz, the negotiation process is a phenomenon that can only be understood by a set of responses that are fundamentally irrational and emotional.

The final book, Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries, was written by Terri Morrison and Wayne A. Conaway. Seeing the title, this book will be beneficial when we make transactions in the global market. Why? Because market conditions in each country are different, depending on the regulations, culture, and customs that apply in the local community. So, for those who wish to negotiate in the global market, it is important to understand this. (JB Susetiyo, Gilang Suryanata, Lita Gabriela and Silvia Desi Betrice, PR team)





Buku (Bagian 2 dari 4 Tulisan): Dari Human Relation hingga Entrepreneurship


Dalam webinar di President University dan bertajuk “No Modal, No Sukses. Benarkah?”, Saripin Taidy, pendiri dan Presiden Direktur PT Probesco Disatama, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis alat-alat berat, mereferensikan lima topik buku yang perlu dibaca oleh orang-orang sukses. Apa saja? Buku tentang human relation, negotiation, leadership, biografi, dan entrepreneurship. Berikut beberapa judul buku dari lima topik pilihan Saripin yang layak menjadi pilihan:



Hidup kita setiap hari berisi negosiasi. Mulai bernegosiasi dengan diri sendiri, sampai dengan orang lain. Mulai dari lingkungan keluarga, dalam aktivitas sosial sampai bisnis. Apa saja buku-buku terbaik yang membahas negosiasi? Website www.inc.com, menyebut tujuh buku yang harus dibaca.

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life. Buku ini ditulis oleh Stuart Diamond, seorang jurnalis pemenang hadiah Pulitzer, pengacara, pengusaha serta sekaligus profesor lulusan Harvard Law School dan University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.

Menurut Diamond, dalam banyak kasus negosiasi, terlebih jika yang dihadapi adalah para pesaing, kita seringkali menemui jalan buntu. Gagal mencapai kesepakatan. Kalau sudah  begini, jalan yang kita pakai adalah “kekuasaaan”. Kita memaksakan kehendak. Itu tentu bukan jalan yang terbaik.

Dalam buku Getting More, Diamond memaparkan kiat, tip, trik dan strategi untuk memenangkan negosiasi dengan cara-cara yang elegan dan praktis. Buku ini tak hanya berisi teori, tetapi juga kaya dengan contoh-contoh yang inspiratif. Mulai dari negosiasi yang simpel sampai kompleks. Layak Anda baca. Versi bahasa Indonesia dari buku ini juga sudah tersedia.

Enam buku lain yang direferensikan oleh www.inc.com adalah Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High yang ditulis oleh Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. Buku ini sejatinya membahas soal bagaimana berkomunikasi secara efektif dan cocok bagi mereka yang kurang terbiasa melakukan negosiasi.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Buku ini ditulis oleh Robert B. Cialdini, seorang profesor emeritus dalam bidang psikologi dan marketing dari Arizona State University, AS. Melihat penulisnya, buku ini memang ditujukan untuk para praktisi sales & marketing. Ada salah satu kutipan menarik dari buku ini: “Presenting an inexpensive product first and following it with an expensive one will cause the expensive item to seem even more costly as a result." Anda setuju?

Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. Penulisnya adalah G. Richard Shell, seorang profesor di Thomas Gerrity Professor of Legal Studies, Business Ethics, and Management. Dalam buku ini, Shell menekankan pentingnya kita mengenali diri sendiri sebelum memulai negosiasi dengan orang lain. Buku ini mengidentifikasi lima gaya dalam bernegosiasi. Selain itu, buku ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai perangkat yang akan membantu Anda mengenali mana gaya yang cocok dengan Anda sesuai dengan kondisinya.

Masih ada tiga buku lainnya yang, versi www.inc.com, layak menjadi referensi bagi mereka yang ingin bernegosiasi. Ada Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In yang ditulis oleh Authors: Roger Fisher, William L. Ury, dan Bruce Patton. Ada saran yang menarik dari buku ini: “It suggests that you look for mutual gains whenever possible, and that where you interests conflict, you should insist that the result be based upon some fair standards independent of the will of either side."

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It yang ditulis oleh Chris Voss dan Tahl Raz menyajikan sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan buku Getting to Yes. Ketimbang menganggap seseorang memahami apa kepentingannya sendiri dan bertindak sesuai dengan hal itu, menurut Voss dan Raz, proses negosiasi adalah fenomena yang hanya dapat dipahami dengan seperangkat respon yang pada dasarnya irasional dan emosional.

Buku terakhir, Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries ditulis oleh Terri Morrison dan Wayne A. Conaway. Melihat judulnya, buku ini akan sangat membantu saat kita melakukan transaksi di pasar global. Mengapa? Sebab kondisi pasar di setiap negara tentu berbeda-beda, tergantung regulasi, budaya dan kebiasaan yang berlaku di masyarakat setempat. Maka, bagi mereka yang ingin bernegosiasi di pasar global, penting untuk memahami hal tersebut. (JB Susetiyo, Gilang Suryanata, Lita Gabriela dan Silvia Desi Betrice, tim PR)