
Published: 08 Apr 2021

You certainly know the terms of Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z. For those who still can't tell the difference, here are the divisions and their age range in 2021:

- Baby Boomers, born between 1944-1964 and currently 57-77 years old.

- Gen X, born between 1965-1979 and currently aged 42-56 years.

- Gen Y, otherwise known as the millennial generation, were born between 1980-1994 and are currently 27 to 41 years old.

- Gen Z, born between 1995-2015 and currently between the ages of 6 and 26.

Based on the 2020 Indonesian population census (sensus.bps.go.id), the proportion of the population in the Gen Z category is around 27,9% of the total population in the country. A survey from futureplay.co shows that Gen Z's interest in trying out new platforms or applications, especially for online shopping, is very small, only reaching 12.7%.

More than 63% of respondents said they were not interested in trying the new platform. Meanwhile, the remaining 12,7% chose to keep using old digital services, but with a different approach, such as making purchases from other sellers. This research from FuturePlay also finds Gen Z Indonesia's tendency to become a conservative market consumer, which can make it difficult for startups that are developing new products or services for early adopters.

FuturePlay survey results also show that about 62% of Gen Z respondents in the country are interested in non-cash transaction activities, because of the convenience it offers. Apart from being fairly concise, this payment method is also considered to offer its own advantages thanks to discounted price promos and a point system.

In the e-commerce segment, respondents from Gen Z are mostly e-commerce consumers who like to shop for fashion and beauty products. About 89% of respondents admitted to shopping more than once a month, and 50% of them admitted to shopping more than three times per month, both on e-commerce marketplace platforms and on social media. (Ruhmaya Nida Wathoni. Photo: www.freepik.com)




Tantangan Startup Baru untuk Menarik GenZ


Anda tentu tahu dengan istilah Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, dan Gen Z. Bagi yang masih belum bisa membedakan, ini pembagiannya dan rentang usianya pada 2021:

- Baby Boomers, lahir antara 1944-1964 dan saat ini berusia 57-77 tahun.

- Gen X, lahir antara 1965-1979 dan saat ini berusia 42-56 tahun.

- Gen Y, atau yang dikenal sebagai generasi milenial, lahir antara 1980-1994 dan saat ini berusia 27 hingga 41 tahun.

- Gen Z, lahir antara 1995-2015 dan saat ini berusia antara 6 dan 26.

Berdasarkan hasil sensus penduduk Indonesia 2020 (sensus.bps.go.id), proporsi penduduk pada kategori Gen Z sekitar 27,9% dari total penduduk di Tanah Air. Survei dari futureplay.co menunjukkan bahwa minat Gen Z untuk mencoba platform atau aplikasi baru, terutama untuk belanja online, sangat kecil, hanya mencapai 12,7%.



Lebih dari 63% responden mengatakan mereka tidak tertarik untuk mencoba platform baru tersebut. Sedangkan 12,7% sisanya memilih tetap menggunakan layanan digital lama, namun dengan pendekatan berbeda, seperti melakukan pembelian dari penjual lain. Riset dari FuturePlay ini juga menemukan kecenderungan Gen Z Indonesia untuk menjadi konsumen pasar yang konservatif, yang dapat menyulitkan startup yang sedang mengembangkan produk atau layanan baru untuk pengadopsi awal.

Hasil survei FuturePlay juga menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 62% responden Gen Z di Tanah Air tertarik pada aktivitas transaksi non tunai, karena kemudahan yang ditawarkannya. Selain terbilang ringkas, metode pembayaran ini juga dinilai menawarkan keunggulan tersendiri berkat promo harga diskon dan adanya sistem poin.

Pada segmen e-commerce, responden dari Gen Z sebagian besar merupakan konsumen e-commerce yang suka berbelanja produk fashion dan kecantikan. Sekitar 89% responden mengaku berbelanja lebih dari sekali dalam sebulan, dan 50% dari mereka mengaku berbelanja lebih dari tiga kali per bulan, baik di platform marketplace e-commerce maupun di media sosial. (Ruhmaya Nida Wathoni. Foto: www.freepik.com)