
What's happening in PresUniv

04 May 2021

PK-KM Assessor Team Visits PresUniv

President University (PresUniv) successfully passed the first stage of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PK-KM), held by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. PK-KM is a higher education development program aimed at improving the quality and relevance of higher education by achieving eight Main Performance Indicators (IKU) to contribute to increasing the nation's competitiveness. There are three leagues in this competition, namely league-1, for colleges with a total of students over 18000, league-2, for colleges with a total student population of 5001 - 18000, and league-3, for colleges with a total student population of 1000-5000.

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04 May 2021

PresUniv is Ready to Implement Hybrid Learning

In April 2020, President University (PresUniv) issued Rector's Regulation Number 6 of 2021 about President University New Normal Offline Learning and Online Learning. Based on Article 1, Paragraph 1, it is stated that lecture activity for the undergraduate and postgraduate programs will be carried out with offline learning new normal and online learning, since May 24, 2021, or semester 20203.

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03 May 2021

Communication Studies Students Discuss Violence and Sexual Harassment in Cyberspace

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the internet has helped a lot in everyday human activities. Entertainment, communication, education, and even trade are now widely practiced in cyberspace. However, without realizing it, crime in cyberspace has also grown along with the increase in traffic. Departing from this concern, the Communication Studies, President University (PresUniv), together with Saling Jaga, held a webinar entitled The Dark Side of Cyber from Bullying to Sexual Harassment on Tuesday (27/4). This webinar invited Dr. Vivid F. Argarini, Lecturer and Communication Practitioner, and Gia Raharja, Consultant for Public Sectors, as speakers.

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01 May 2021

PresUniv's Law Students Take Contract Drafting Training

Making legal drafting contains theories, principles, and rules according to laws, norms, standards, and legal practices. This is to protect the legality of the legal drafting product and the parties' legal interests. However, there are still many who do not understand how to draft legal drafting properly. To improve students' skills regarding this matter, the President University Major Association (PUMA) Law held a workshop entitled "101 Legal Drafting: Introduction to Contract Drafting", Thursday (22/4).

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28 Apr 2021

Managing Waste with the Concept of a Circular Economy

In commemoration of World Earth Day, the Indonesian Environmental Scientists Association (IESA) and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. held a webinar on Plastic Waste Supporting Circular Economic Resources Towards Green Indonesia, Friday (23/4). The webinar hosted by Dr. Ir. Yunita Ismail Masjud, M.Si, Lecturer of the Environmental Engineering Study Program, President University (PresUniv), and presented four speakers, namely Ari Sugasri, SH, Head of the Sub Directorate of Specific Waste and Recycling, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) ), Nurdiana Darus, M.Sc., Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Unilever Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Made Sudiana Mahendra, M.App. Sc., Ph.D., Head of Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program, Udayana University, and Putra Fajar Alam, S.Si., MT., CEO and founder of

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26 Apr 2021

Astra Career Fair with ICC, PresUniv

There are still many college graduates who do not yet know ??how to make a career as a professional. That is why the Internship & Career Center (ICC) Bureau, President University (PresUniv), in collaboration with Astra Career, PT Astra International Tbk.,

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26 Apr 2021

Non-Litigation: More Effective Advocacy

There are still many Indonesians who think that conflicts can only be solved through court processes. In fact, a conflict can also be resolved out of court (non-litigation). The Law Study Program, President University (PresUniv) discussed this through a webinar entitled Advocacy Outside the Indonesian Courts, on Friday (23/4). This topic was presented by Alghiffari Aqsa, S.H., Managing Partner at AMAR Law Firm and Public Interest Law Office, and guided by Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., Lecturer in Law Study Program, PresUniv.

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26 Apr 2021

Roles of Women in Business, Education and Society

The Faculty of Business, President University (PresUniv), in collaboration with Widya Mandala Subaraya Catholic University (UKWMS), held a webinar on Roles of Women in Business, Education, and Society, Friday (23/4). This webinar presented three speakers, namely Prof. Felycia E. Sootarodjo, Ph.D, IPM., ASEAN Eng., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, UKWMS, Lita Hondranata, BSc., CPA, Chief Business Officer, RMDS Narasio Data, and Gracia Paramitha Ph.D (cand.), Co-founder of Indonesian Youth Diplomacy. This webinar was hosted by Maria Jacinta Arquisola, BA, MHRM, Ph.D., Dean of Business Faculty, PresUniv.

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