
What's happening in PresUniv

19 Aug 2021

Strengthening International Relations through Indo-Pacific Cooperation

Wednesday (11/8) Southeast Asia Lecture Hall, in collaboration with several domestic and foreign universities, including President University (PresUniv), held an international class discussing Indo-Pacific Cooperation. The classes were brought by Prof. Amitav Acharya, a well-known professor from the School of International Service, American University, and attended by more than a thousand participants.

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19 Aug 2021

Sharing Internship Experiences Abroad with Alumni

Friday (13/8), President University (PresUniv) held a casual talk entitled "Overseas Internship Experience". The event which held through the Clubhouse application, aims to provide information about internships abroad. This event presented two PresUniv graduates in 2015, namely Adinda Katrina Sudrajat, and Muhamad Rizky Nugraha Darma Nagara or known as Deris Nagara. This event also presented Lina Rosmawati, representatives of the Internship and Career Center (ICC) Bureau, PresUniv, and Donald Samuel Slamet Santosa, S.Pd., M.M., M.Pd., Head of the PresUniv Student Affairs Bureau, as moderators.

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18 Aug 2021

Two PresUniv Lecturers Sharing in the National Digital Literacy Movement

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) has arranged the Four Pillars of Literacy, namely digital skill, digital ethics, digital culture, and digital safety. To educate the public about these four pillars, two lecturers from President University (PresUniv) became the speaker for the 2021 Digital Literacy National Movement Webinar in Bekasi Regency, West Java. This webinar, which was organized by Siberkreasi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information, brought up the topic of Membangun Produktivitas Kaum Milenial di Era Pandemi Covid-19, Friday (13/8). The two lecturers are Dr. Purwanto, S.T., M.M, from the Management Study Program, and Ronny Juwono, S.Pd., M.T., who is also the Head of the Information System Study Program. Other speakers were Maryssa Tunjung Sari, Photographer and Travel Writer, and Syarief Hidayatuloh, Digital Strategist on Hello Monday Morning.

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17 Aug 2021

PresUniv Scholarship Talk Exploring LPDP Scholarships

Many President University (PresUniv) students are enthusiastic about continuing their postgraduate studies abroad. To channel these aspirations, PresUniv held a Scholarships Talk: LPDP with three speakers, namely Hanif Adinugroho Widyanto, Richard Kuhon, and Ruhmaya Nida Wathoni. All f them are from PresUniv. Hanif is a lecturer in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Business, awardee of the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), which is funded by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP), to continue his doctoral education (S3) at the University of Sydney, Australia; Richard is a lecturer in Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, BPI scholarship awardee to continue his doctoral studies at University College London, UK; Ruhmaya is an alumnus of the Business Administration Study Program, Faculty of Business, who received a master's scholarship for the Entrepreneurial Path. The talk was held through the Clubhouse application, Thursday (12/8).

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13 Aug 2021

Discussing the Strategies to Study Abroad with Australian and French Graduates

Reverting into using the online learning system evidently did not lower the enthusiasm of Indonesian students to continue their studies abroad. It is proven by the high interest of participants in the webinar entitled “Study Abroad: Ticket to Get the Best Preparation”. The webinar was organized by the President University Major Association (PUMA) Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PSTE), Saturday (7/8) was attended not only by university students but also high school students. This webinar presented two speakers, Yogi Saputra Mahmud, S.Pd., M.TESOL, a lecturer of PSTE Study Program, President University (PresUniv), and Muhammad Dhafi Iskandar, who is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration at IPAG Business School, Paris.

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12 Aug 2021

RICS Holds Webinar on Patent Creation in Social Sciences

Many do not know, patent registration is not only for the exact sciences, but the social sciences can also do it. To help improve lecturers' knowledge about patents in the social sciences, Research Institute and Community Service (RICS), President University (PresUniv) held a webinar on creating patents in the social sciences, Friday (6/8). This webinar presents Ragil Yoga Edi, S.H., LL.M from the Center for Economic Research, Lembaga Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), as a speaker. This webinar was also attended by Dr. Retnowati, Director of RICS PresUniv.

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12 Aug 2021

Inexpensive Investment for College Students

Saturday (7/8), President University Major Association (PUMA) Management Study Program, in collaboration with STAR Asset Management, held a webinar entitled "Yuk Berinvestasi Reksa Dana". This webinar aimed at President University (PresUniv) students is based on the recent massive interest of students in investment. The webinar presented three speakers from STAR Asset Management, namely Kemal Fajri Mohsin, Head of Institutional & Intermediary Business, Kurnia Lestari, and Ratih Ayu Sulistyaningrum, both are Senior Institutional Marketing.

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06 Aug 2021

How UMKM Survives in the Pandemic Era

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has significantly impacted the decline in people purchasing power, causing many UMKM to collapse. Seeing this phenomenon, the Master of Technology Management Study Program, President University (PresUniv), together with Direct Skills and Maneuver Corp., held a webinar entitled "Strategi UMKM Bertahan dan Bertumbuh di Masa Pandemi", Wednesday (4/8). This webinar presents three speakers, namely Dr. Anton Wachidin Widjaja, S.E., M.M., Head of Master of Technology Management Program, PresUniv, Dedi Kurniawan, S.E., M.B.A., lecturer in Business Administration, PresUniv, and Jazak Nur Afriansyah, Founder and Principal of Maneuver Corp.

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