
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 06 Jan 2021

International Relations study program student, President University (PresUniv), Rey Abraham (batch 2018) brought home champion title from two national-level speech competitions. Both are the English Department Student Association (EDSA) Speech Competition organized by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus (IAIN Kudus), Central Java, and the Rising and Shining Speech Competition held by the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Language, Sriwijaya University, Palembang.

At the EDSA Speech Competition, Saturday (2/1), Rey discussed the theme of Human Rights. He explained the importance of fighting for human rights by mentioning several things that underlie human rights itself. He said, "Human rights can be enforced if there are those who support and strive for it." Meanwhile, in the Rising and Shining Speech Competition, which was held on the 3rd week of December 2020, Rey discussed the theme "Helping Youth to be Creative and Innovative during Pandemic". In his speech, Rey explained that creative and innovative are abstract, and the translation depends on each individual's potential. For this reason, Rey invites young people to utilize their potential by self-aware, keep practicing, and think outside the box.

Despite obtaining two championships, Rey admitted that he is not yet satisfied. He still wants to learn more and explore themes and aspects that he has never thought of before. Rey also invites PresUniv students to actively participate in various competitions to make PresUniv proud at national and international levels and increase knowledge and self-capacity. (Putri Krisna Paramita, tim PR)




Rey Abraham Borong Gelar Juara Kompetisi Pidato Tingkat Nasional


Mahasiswa Prodi Hubungan Internasional, President University (PresUniv), Rey Abraham (batch 2018) membawa pulang gelar juara dari dua lomba pidato tingkat nasional. Keduanya adalah English Department Student Association (EDSA) Speech Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus (IAIN Kudus), Jawa Tengah, dan Rising and Shining Speech Competition yang digelar oleh Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Bahasa, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.

Pada ajang EDSA Speech Competition, Sabtu (2/1), Rey membahas tema Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Ia memaparkan pentingnya memperjuangkan HAM dengan menyinggung beberapa hal yang mendasari HAM itu sendiri. Katanya, “HAM dapat ditegakkan jika ada yang mendukung dan mengusahakannya.” Sementara, dalam lomba Rising and Shining Speech Competition yang digelar minggu ke-3 Desember 2020, Rey membahas tema "Membantu Kaum Muda Menjadi Kreatif dan Inovatif Saat Pandemi". Dalam pidatonya, Rey menjelaskan bahwa kreatif dan inovatif itu abstrak dan terjemahannya bergantung pada potensi masing-masing individu. Untuk itu, Rey mengajak anak muda untuk memanfaatkan potensinya dengan cara self-aware, terus berlatih, dan berpikir out of the box.

Meski memborong dua gelar juara, Rey mengaku, belum puas. Ia masih ingin belajar lebih banyak dan mengeksplorasi tema-tema serta aspek yang belum pernah dipikirkannya sebelumnya. Rey juga mengajak mahasiswa PresUniv untuk aktif mengikuti berbagai lomba guna mengharumkan nama PresUniv di kancah nasional dan internasional, sekaligus menambah pengetahuan serta meningkatkan kapasitas diri. (Putri Krisna Paramita, tim PR)