
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 24 Dec 2020

Firman Yusuf, a student of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program batch 2018, President University (PresUniv), has successfully nominated as a Creative Business Nominee in the 2020 Santripreneur Award through the sociopreneur, Cococreative. Santipreneur Award is an award to santri entrepreneurs held by the Indonesian Santripreneur Institute. The announcement of Firman's nomination was announced on Saturday (19/12).

Firman explained his social business, "Cococreative is a business to develop unused coconut coir waste into a high-priced product." In this business, Cococreative empowers street children, those who have been laid off, and recidivists. In the nomination process, explained Firman, he collected various documents and the field verification. Then, the selection process reached the national level.

Through the Cococreative, Firman hopes that his business could become a place for village people to survive, be creative, and continue to collaborate in exploiting local potential to be accepted by national and international markets. He also invited young Indonesians to continue to innovate and work for the nation. (GN)




Firman Yusuf Raih Nominasi Santripreneur Award 2020


Firman Yusuf, mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Mesin batch 2018, President University (PresUniv), berhasil masuk sebagai Nomine Usaha Bidang Kreatif dalam Santripreneur Award 2020 melalui sociopreneur Cococreative. Santipreneur Award adalah penghargaan kepada para santri wirausahawan yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Santripreneur Indonesia. Pengumuman Firman masuk nominasi disampaikan Sabtu (19/12).

Firman memaparkan bisnis sosialnya, “Cococreative merupakan usaha mengembangkan limbah sabut kelapa yang tidak terpakai menjadi produk berharga jual tinggi.” Dalam bisnis ini, Cococreative memberdayakan anak-anak jalanan, mereka yang di-PHK, dan para residivis. Dalam proses nominasi ini, jelas Firman, ia mengumpulkan berbagai dokumen dan bahkan verifikasi lapangan. Lalu, proses seleksinya sampai tingkat nasional.

Melalui Cococreative, Firman berharap, usahanya dapat menjadi wadah orang-orang desa untuk bertahan hidup, berkreasi, dan terus berkolaborasi memanfaatkan potensi lokal agar diterima oleh pasar nasional dan internasional. Ia juga mengajak anak-anak muda Indoenesia untuk terus berinovasi dan berkarya bagi bangsa.  (GN)