
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 18 Dec 2020

A month after cultivating hydroponic plants through training provided by PT Jababeka & Co., last Tuesday (15/12), Student Affairs Bureau of President University (PresUniv), together with President University Student Housing (PUSH), harvested the result. Not only harvested hydroponic plants but also catfish.

The harvest event located at PresUniv student housing was attended by Arie Purwanto, PUSH Manager, Donald Samuel as Head of Student Affairs Bureau, also Susilo and Aceng Kuswanto from the staff of Student Affairs Bureau. The hydroponic plants harvest result then distributed to PUSH and PresUniv employees. Meanwhile, the catfish were enjoyed together.

Hydroponic cultivation and catfish breeding are supporting activities for the Integrative Survival Experience course in the 1st semester. This course, which is an application of the concept of the Kurikulum Merdeka, aims to cultivate students' entrepreneurial spirit. Donald Samuel, Head of Student Affairs Bureau, hopes that this activity does not stop there. "Do not only apply it on campus, but also in the environment where students live," he said.




PUSH Panen Tanaman Hidroponik dan Ikan Lele


Sebulan setelah melakukan budidaya tanaman hidroponik melalui pelatihan yang diberikan oleh PT Jababeka & Co., pada Selasa (15/12) lalu, Biro Student Affairs President University (PresUniv), bersama dengan President University Student Housing (PUSH), memanen hasilnya. Bukan hanya tanaman hidroponik yang dipanen, tetapi juga dari ternak lele.

Acara panen yang berlokasi di asrama mahasiswa PresUniv itu dihadiri oleh Arie Purwanto, Manajer PUSH, Donald Samuel selaku Kepala Biro Student Affairs, serta Susilo dan Aceng Kuswanto dari staf Biro Student Affairs. Hasil panen tanaman hidroponik kemudian dibagi-bagikan kepada karyawan PUSH dan juga PresUniv. Sementara, hasil panen lele dinikmati bersama.

Budidaya hidroponik dan ternak lele adalah kegiatan pendukung untuk mata kuliah Integrative Survival Experience yang diberikan pada semester ke-1. Mata kuliah yang merupakan penerapan dari konsep Kurikulum Merdeka ini bertujuan menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneuship mahasiswa. Donald Samuel, Kepala Biro Student Affairs, berharap kegiatan ini tidak berhenti sampai di situ. “Jangan hanya diterapkan di kampus, tetapi juga di lingkungan sekitar tempat tinggal mahasiswa,” katanya. (SD/JBS)