
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 04 Dec 2020

Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media for people looking for references for the products they want to buy. Moreover, Instagram has interesting features. Unfortunately, there are still many business actors who do not fully understand how to do business on Instagram. This condition made President University (PresUniv) hold a webinar with the speaker Andy Gondowijoyo, owner of @info_surabaya, Saturday (28/11). Andy explained the material "Level Up Your Business Through Instagram". Andy has been doing business through Instagram since 2013.

Andy explained ten crucial things that must be done when doing business on Instagram, namely work in progress/BTS, product in use, product as a lifestyle, product events, promos, occasion related content, a product with raw material, quotes/tips, testimonials, and behind the brand.

Also, "Business actors must also understand their target market. If you understand, it will be easier to create content on Instagram that suits your target market," said Andy. (LG)



Kupas Tuntas Bisnis Lewat Instagram


Instagram saat ini merupakan salah satu media sosial yang paling banyak disukai masyarakat dalam mencari referensi tentang produk yang ingin dibelinya. Apalagi Instagram memiliki fitur-fitur yang menarik. Sayangnya masih banyak pelaku usaha yang belum memahami benar bagaimana strategi menjual di instagram. Kondisi itulah yang membuat President University (PresUniv) mengadakan webinar dengan pembicara Andy Gondowijoyo, pemilik @info_surabaya, Sabtu (28/11). Andy memaparkan materi “Level Up Your Business Through Instagram”.

Andy sudah sejak 2013 berbisnis melalui Instagram. Andy memaparkan 10 hal penting yang harus dilakukan ketika berbisnis di Instagram, yaitu work in progress/BTS, product in use, product as a lifestyle, product event, promo, occasion related content, product with raw material, quotes/tips, testimonial, dan behind the brand.

Selain itu, “Pelaku usaha juga mesti paham target market-nya. Jika sudah paham, akan lebih mudah menciptakan konten-konten di Instagram yang sesuai dengan target market,” kata Andy. Selamat mencoba. (LG)