
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 01 Dec 2020

The number of victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia continues to increase. Not only ordinary people, health workers (health workers), such as doctors and nurses, are also victims. Can technology reduce the Covid-19 pandemic and reduce the number of casualties, especially among health workers? This material is discussed in the webinar "Quo Vadis Covid-19 Pandemic: Technology vs Public Concern”, Friday (27/11).

The webinar held by President Development Center (PDC) presented three speakers, which are Prof. dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D., Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM, professor of the Faculty of Medicine from Airlangga University, Surabaya; Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.AK, Chairperson of Indonesian Medical Council 2014-2020; and Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, Rector of Indonesian International Islamic University. The webinar was hosted by the President University Rector, Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto.

Djoko Santoso revealed, until September 2020, 136 doctors and 92 nurses had died due to Covid-19. He said, "In Indonesia, every doctor is responsible for 2,500 residents. If 136 doctors have died, who is responsible for the 340,000 population of Indonesia? " In Indonesia, the ratio of health workers who died due to Covid-19 to the number of confirmed positive cases is also relatively high. The ratio reaches 0.04%. Compare that with Malaysia with 0.003%, India with 0.006%, or the US with 0.008%. So, continued Djoko, the use of technology that can limit direct contact between health workers and Covid-19 patients is essential.

According to Bambang Supriyatno, the high number of health workers who became victims of Covid-19 was, among others, because their condition was exhausted. "Fatigue usually triggers burnout. Symptoms include emotional fatigue, loss of empathy, and decreased self-confidence,” said Bambang.

Komaruddin Hidayat agreed that the continuing increase in the number of those infected with Covid-19 is one of the causes of health workers' fatigue. To reduce the number of infected, he suggested, the government needed to do all-out socialization. "Involve public figures, YouTubers, or Instagram account owners who have a large number of followers to do the socialization of research," said Komaruddin, who was the last speaker in the webinar. (SD/JBS)




Gunakan Teknologi untuk Cegah Nakes Jadi Korban Covid-19


Korban pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia terus bertambah. Bukan hanya masyarakat biasa, kalangan tenaga kesehatan (nakes), seperti dokter dan perawat, pun ikut menjadi korban. Mampukah teknologi meredam pandemi Covid-19 dan menekan jumlah korban jiwa, terutama dari kalangan tenaga kesehatan? Materi itulah yang dibahas dalam webinar "Quo Vadis Pandemi Covid-19: Teknologi vs Kepedulian Masyarakat”, Jumat (27/11).

Webinar yang digelar oleh President Development Center (PDC) ini menghadirkan tiga pembicara, yakni Prof. dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D., Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM, guru besar Fakultas Kedokteran dari Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya; Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.AK, Ketua Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia periode 2014-2020; dan Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, Rektor Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. Webinar dipandu oleh Rektor President University, Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto.

Djoko Santoso mengungkapkan, sampai September 2020, sudah 136 dokter dan 92 perawat yang meninggal dunia akibat Covid-19. Ungkapnya, “Di Indonesia, setiap dokter bertanggung jawab terhadap 2.500 penduduk. Jika sudah 136 dokter yang meninggal, siapa yang bertanggung jawab terhadap 340.000 penduduk Indonesia?” Di Indonesia, rasio nakes yang meninggal akibat Covid-19 terhadap jumlah kasus terkonfirmasi positif juga terbilang tinggi. Rasionya mencapai 0,04%. Bandingkan dengan Malaysia yang 0,003%, India 0,006%, atau AS yang 0,008%. Maka, lanjut Djoko, pemanfaatan teknologi yang bisa membatasi kontak langsung antara nakes dengan pasien Covid-19 menjadi penting.

Menurut Bambang Supriyatno, tingginya jumlah nakes yang menjadi korban Covid-19, antara lain, karena kondisi mereka sudah sangat lelah. “Kelelahan yang sangat biasanya memicu terjadinya burnout. Gejalanya, di antaranya, lelah secara emosi, mulai kehilangan empati dan menurunnya rasa percaya diri,” papar Bambang.

Komaruddin Hidayat setuju bahwa terus meningkatnya jumlah mereka yang terinfeksi Covid-19 menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya kelelahan para nakes. Untuk menurunkan jumlah yang terinfeksi, usul dia, pemerintah perlu habis-habisan melalukan sosialisasi. “Libatkan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, para youtuber atau pemilik akun instagram yang mempunyai banyak pengikut untuk melakukan sosialisasi pencehagan,” kata Komaruddin, yang menjadi pembicara terakhir dalam webinar tersebut.