
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 28 Nov 2020

The Industry 4.0 era forces all sectors to adjust to the increasingly sophisticated technological developments. Several technologies that developed in this era such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, smart machines, Augmented Reality (AR), and others, made the digital world and the physical world more integrated. “For education, there is not any problem in terms of technology. The problem is in the human resources, their skills must be continuously upgraded and their knowledge must be up-to-date," said Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, Rector of President University in the Building the Industry 4.0 webinar, Thursday (26/11).

The webinar organized by Jababeka Industrial Estate is divided into four sessions. In the session I, the topic discussed was Making Indonesia 4.0: Is It Still Feasible. The speakers for this session were Prof. Jony Haryanto, Tony Sartono, Commissioner of PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera, Iken Retnowulan who is the Head of the Center for Vocational Education and Industrial Vocational Development, Ministry of Industry, and Sutedja Darmono, Director of PT Jababeka Tbk. This webinar was hosted by Rudy Subrata, GM Jababeka Industrial Estate Sales & Marketing.

Jony explained, PresUniv itself has made several adjustments to anticipate the Industry 4.0 era. "For example, in terms of curriculum, all students from any study program are currently required to take courses such as digital literacy & communication or coding & big data," he explained. Also, Jony concluded, PresUniv utilizes technology in teaching and learning activities and collaborates with third parties that support the development of Industry 4.0, such as the Amazon Web Service. (GN/SL)



PresUniv Siapkan SDM untuk Era Industry 4.0


Era Industry 4.0 memaksa seluruh sektor untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih. Beberapa teknologi yang berkembang pada era tersebut, seperti Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotik, mesin pintar, Augmented Reality (AR), dan lainnya membuat dunia digital dan dunia fisik menjadi kian menyatu. “Bagi dunia pendidikan, dari sisi teknologi tidak ada masalah. Masalahnya ada di SDM yang harus terus di-up grade kemampuan dan keterampailannya serta di-up date pengetahuannya,” ungkap Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, Rektor President University, dalam webinar Building the Industry 4.0, Kamis (26/11).

Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh Jababeka Industrial Estate ini terbagi dalam empat sesi. Untuk sesi I topik yang dibahas adalah Making Indonesia 4.0: Is It Still Feasible. Para pembicara sesi ini adalah Prof. Jony Haryanto, Tony Sartono, Komisaris PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera, Iken Retnowulan yang Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan Kejuruan dan Vokasi Industri, Kementerian Perindustrian, dan Sutedja Darmono, Direktur PT Jababeka Tbk. Webinar dipandu oleh Rudy Subrata, GM Jababeka Industrial Estate Sales & Marketing.

Papar Jony, PresUniv sendiri sudah melakukan banyak penyesuaian guna mengantisipasi era Industry 4.0. “Misalnya dari sisi kurikulum, sekarang ini semua mahasiswa dari program studi apa pun wajib mengikuti mata kuliah seperti digital literacy & communication atau coding & big data,” urainya. Selain itu, pungkas Jony, PresUniv juga memanfaatkan teknologi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar serta menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak ketiga yang mendukung berkembangnya Industry 4.0, seperti Amazon Web Service. (GN/SL)