
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 05 Oct 2020

As a form of support for the Independent Campus program, President University always aligns its curriculum with the current industry needs and trends. This action was taken so that graduates will have soft skills and hard skills that are compatible and appropriate for their future careers. This effort is realized by presenting the Emotional Intelligence course that is compulsory for all students. Emotional intelligence itself is the ability or capacity of a person to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself, others, and their surroundings.

In its application, Mechanical Engineering Study Program at President University held a webinar with the theme "Building Key Soft Skill Competencies to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineers" on Monday, September 28, 2020. The materials in this webinar were delivered by Lydia Anggraini, Head of Mechanical Engineering, and Yuzhar Bastian, Procurement Manager at PT. Halliburton.

Lydia Anggraini explained that the purpose of holding this webinar is as a platform for students' exploration of the study program they are taking, including the vision, mission, goals, and desired results. "If you choose this academic program, there are many soft-skill competencies that are needed by the industry. These soft-skill competencies will support the students’ goals in their professional career," she said. Furthermore, Yuzhar Bastian outlined five basic soft skills that must be possessed in an engineering career, namely planning, communication skills, self-confidence, presentation skills, and networking.

Through understanding this subject based on the values and characteristics of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, students are expected to have soft skills that match the figure of President University Mechanical Engineering graduates. (PT/SD)




Mata Kuliah Kecerdasan Emosional: "Building Key Soft Skill Competencies to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineers"


Sebagai salah satu bentuk dukungan terhadap program Kampus Merdeka, President University selalu menyelaraskan kurikulum dengan kebutuhan dan tren industri saat ini. Hal ini dilakukan agar lulusannya memiliki soft skill dan hard skill yang sesuai dan tepat dengan pekerjaannya nanti. Upaya ini diwujudkan dengan menghadirkan mata kuliah Kecerdasan Emosional (Emotional Intelligence) yang wajib diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa. Kecerdasan Emosional sendiri merupakan kemampuan atau kapasitas seseorang dalam mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mengelola emosi diri sendiri, orang lain, dan sekitarnya.

Dalam pengaplikasiannya, Program Studi Teknik Mesin President University mengadakan webinar dengan mengangkat tema “Building Key Soft Skill Competencies to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineers” pada Senin, 28 September 2020. Materi pada webinar ini disampaikan oleh Lydia Anggraini, Head of Mechanical Engineering, dan Yuzhar Bastian, Procurement Manager di PT. Halliburton.

Lydia Anggraini menjelaskan bahwa tujuan diadakan webinar ini adalah sebagai media eksplorasi siswa akan program studi yang mereka ikuti, meliputi visi, misi, tujuan dan hasil yang diinginkan. “Jika memilih program akademik ini, ada banyak kompetensi soft-skill yang dibutuhkan oleh industri. Dan kompetensi soft-skill ini akan mendukung keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan dalam karir profesionalnya,” ujarnya. Selanjutnya, Yuzhar Bastian menjabarkan lima soft-skill mendasar yang harus dimiliki dalam berkarir teknik, yaitu perencanaan, keterampilan komunikasi, kepercayaan diri, keterampilan presentasi, dan jaringan sosial.

Melalui pemahaman mata kuliah ini yang ditinjau dari nilai-nilai dan karakteristik Program Studi Teknik Mesin, mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki soft-skill yang sesuai dengan gambaran lulusan Teknik Mesin President University. (PT/SD)