
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 04 Sep 2020

A total of 1517 students joined President University in 2020 and became the first batch to fully study with the new curriculum.

In fact, President University has long applied a concept similar to the concept of an Independent Campus. This can be seen from President University's efforts to build a close relationship with industry through various internship programs, training, or living laboratories so that graduates can become professional entrepreneurs and employees possess with skills needed by industry. With the launch of the Independent Campus concept by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, President University also updated its curriculum so that the learning process that was initially independent becomes even "more independent".

In the new curriculum, students are encouraged to prepare their careers as early as possible. President University through the President Career Streams program provides instruction and training through 3 career streams, namely professional, mentorship, and scholarship stream since the beginning of their study at the university.

Professional Stream is aimed at students who wish to become professionals in a specific industry. Students may choose to participate in an internship for 1 year to prepare for full-time work immediately after they graduate. Mentorship Stream is intended for students who want to establish their own startup companies. Students can be guided by experienced lecturers and practitioners to build a company or run a specific project. President University itself has Setsail BizAccel, a business incubator that has guided various student startups and received grants from the European Union. Meanwhile, the Scholarship Stream is intended for students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies abroad. Students can take part in student exchange programs with dozens of President University university partners in various countries.

To equip students with superior soft skills and hard skills, students of all majors have to take compulsory courses in the first year, including Emotional Intelligence, Integrated Survival Experience, Statistics, Digital Literacy and Communication, Psychology and Design Thinking, also Coding and Big Data.

In addition to the compulsory subjects above, this new curriculum allows students to take courses outside of their study program or university. This action is made to enable students to gain knowledge based on their interests. Thus, President University hopes that an innovative learning process will be created and can meet the needs of each student. (SL)



President University Menyambut Mahasiswa Baru Angkatan 2020 dengan Kurikulum Kampus Merdeka


Sebanyak 1517 mahasiswa baru yang bergabung dengan President University pada tahun 2020 dan menjadi angkatan pertama yang secara penuh menjajal kurikulum baru, yaitu Kurikulum 2020 atau Kurikulum Kampus Merdeka.

Sesungguhnya, President University telah lama menerapkan konsep yang serupa dengan konsep Kampus Merdeka. Hal ini terlihat dari usaha President University yang membangun link and match dengan industri melalui berbagai program magang, pelatihan, atau laboratorium hidup sehingga lulusannya dapat menjadi wirausahawan profesional dan tenaga kerja dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan industri. Dengan diluncurkannya konsep Kampus Merdeka oleh Kemendikbud RI, President University turut memperbaharui kurikulumnya sehingga pembelajaran yang awalnya telah merdeka menjadi ‘lebih merdeka’.

Dalam Kurikulum 2020 President University, mahasiswa diajak untuk mempersiapkan karirnya sedini mungkin. Secara khusus, President University melalui program President Career Streams memberi arahan dan pelatihan melalui 3 pilihan jalur karir, yaitu profesional, mentorship, dan scholarship sejak awal perkuliahan. 

Stream Profesional ditujukan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi profesional di industri tertentu. Mahasiswa dapat memilih untuk magang selama 1 tahun untuk mempersiapkan diri bekerja full-time langsung setelah lulus. Stream Mentorship ditujukan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin menjadi pendiri perusahaan rintisan (startup company). Mahasiswa dapat dibimbing oleh dosen dan praktisi yang berpengalaman untuk membangun perusahaan atau proyek tertentu. President University sendiri memiliki Setsail BizAccel, inkubator bisnis yang telah membimbing berbagai perusahaan rintisan mahasiswa serta mendapatkan berbagai hibah dari Uni Eropa. Sementara itu, Stream Scholarship ditujukan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studi pascasarjana di luar negeri. Mahasiswa dapat mengikuti program pertukaran mahasiswa dengan puluhan universitas partner President University di berbagai negara.

Untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan soft skill dan hard skill yang unggul, beberapa mata kuliah wajib diambil oleh mahasiswa dari semua jurusan pada tahun pertama, diantaranya Emotional Intelligence, Integrated Survival Experience, Statistik, Digital Literacy and Communication, Psychology and Design Thinking, serta Coding and Big Data.

Selain mata kuliah wajib di atas, kurikulum baru ini memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk mengambil mata kuliah di luar program studi atau universitas. Hal ini dilakukan sehingga mahasiswa dapat mempelajari bidang yang diminati dengan baik. Dengan demikian, President University berharap akan tercipta proses belajar yang inovatif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing mahasiswa. (SL)