
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 21 Jul 2020

Survived in the 1998 economic crisis, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are now struggling amid the COVID-19 crisis. One of the reasons is the practice of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which limits people's mobility and leads to changes in consumer preferences. In response to this phenomenon, a group of Management students batch 2019 at President University held a webinar "The MSMEs’ Strategy to Peak in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic" on Sunday (7/19).

This webinar invited Hisham Fathoni, owner of CV. Syifani Assa Mandiri, Arief Rizal, owner of Barber Room, and Rafii'ud Darajaat, owner of Si Abang Printer as the speaker. "The three speakers were chosen because they have experience in managing a business. Moreover, they have succeeded in bringing their businesses to survive in the midst of the crisis caused by this pandemic," said Marita, one of the committee members.

In this webinar, speakers shared their experiences in managing businesses through crises. Having similarity, creativity and high adaptability skill are the keys to bring their business to survive in the midst of declining purchasing power. This can be seen from how the three speakers moved their business activities online and implemented a health protocol to keep their employees safe during the pandemic.

In addition, the Management lecturers at President University who are also entrepreneurship experts, Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M. and Dr. Dedi Rianto, M.M. shared their insights about business strategies in the midst of a pandemic. (SL)



Mahasiswa Manajemen President University Mengadakan Webinar “Strategi UMKM Bertahan di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19”


Berjaya pada krisis ekonomi tahun 1998, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) kini sulit bertahan di tengah krisis akibat pandemi COVID-19. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah diberlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) yang membatasi ruang gerak masyarakat dan berujung pada perubahan preferensi konsumen. Atas fenomena ini, sejumlah mahasiswa Manajemen President University angkatan 2019 mengadakan webinar “Strategi UMKM Bertahan di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19” pada hari Minggu (19/7).

Webinar ini mengundang Hisyam Fathoni, pemilik CV. Syifani Assa Mandiri, Arief Rizal, pemilik Barber Room, dan Rafii’ud Darajaat, pemilik Si Abang Printer sebagai pembicara. “Ketiga pembicara dipilih karena sudah berpengalaman dalam mengelola bisnis. Terlebih, mereka telah berhasil membawa bisnis mereka bertahan di tengah krisis akibat pandemi ini,” ujar Marita, salah seorang panitia webinar ini.

Dalam webinar ini, para pembicara membagikan pengalamannya menuntun bisnis melewati krisis. Memiliki kesamaan, kreativitas dan kemampuan adaptasi yang tinggi membawa bisnis mereka bertahan di tengah menurunnya daya beli masyarakat. Hal ini dilihat dari bagaimana ketiga pembicara mengubah bisnisnya menjadi online dan menerapkan perilaku hidup sehat untuk menjaga karyawannya tetap aman.

Selain itu, dosen Manajemen President University yang juga pakar kewirausahaan, Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M. dan Dr. Dedi Rianto, M.M. juga turut membagikan ilmu mengenai strategi bisnis di tengah pandemi. (SL)