
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 15 Jul 2020

Coming from various countries, President University alumni are spread across the world. There are some of them who are busy pursuing their further studies, busy building a family, busy with careers in various cities in the world. Although separated by distance and time difference, President University's first batch alumni remain solid and communicate regularly, one of the ways is through an online reunion session that was held recently (4/7).

The alumni batch 2002 reunion was surrounded with excitement from alumni who could meet their university friends and lecturers who had taught them. This event made a deep impression on the alumni with the presence of the founder of President University, S. D. Darmono and the first Rector of President University, Kis Daryono. On this occasion, the alumni, lecturers, and management team of President University who served at that time, reminisce, share knowledge, and share their success stories.

Do Thanh Tung, an alumnus from Vietnam, expressed his happiness to meet his friends after 16 years of graduating from university. "It was a kind of pleasant feeling. Idea is just an idea, it does not happen if there is no supportive and cooperative from one and another. And for this, I highly appreciate our friends supporting & working on this idea," he said.

Alumni presented in the reunion are now settled in various countries, such as the United States, China, Vietnam, Germany, Switzerland, Indonesia, and many more. Closing the Zoom app video conference at that time, they promised to meet again soon. (SL)



Reuni Alumni Angkatan Pertama President University bersama Pendiri dan Rektor Pertama


Berasal dari berbagai negara, alumni President University tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia. Ada yang sibuk menempuh studi lanjut, sibuk berkeluarga, sibuk dengan karir di berbagai kota di dunia. Meski terpisah jarak dan terhalang perbedaan waktu, alumni angkatan pertama President University tetap solid dan berkomunikasi secara rutin, salah satunya melalui sesi reuni secara online baru-baru ini (4/7).

Reuni alumni angkatan 2002 ini diselimuti kegembiraan dari para alumni yang dapat bertemu dengan teman-teman kuliah serta para dosen yang dahulu mengajar mereka. Acara ini menimbulkan kesan mendalam bagi para alumni dengan kehadiran pendiri President University, S. D. Darmono serta Rektor President University yang pertama, Kis Daryono. Dalam kesempatan ini, para alumni, dosen, dan tim manajemen President University yang menjabat pada masa itu, bernostalgia, membagikan pengetahuan, serta berbagi kisah sukses masing-masing.

Do Thanh Tung, alumni asal Vietnam, mengungkapkan kegembiraannya dapat bertemu setelah kurang lebih 16 tahun lulus dari bangku kuliah. “Ini merupakan perasaan yang menyenangkan. Ide hanyalah akan menjadi sebuah ide jika tidak ada dukungan dan kerja sama dari kita semua. Untuk itu, saya berterima kasih untuk teman-teman dan semua pihak yang telah bekerja dan mewujudkan acara ini,” ujarnya.

Berbagai alumni yang hadir kini menetap di Amerika Serikat, China, Vietnam, Jerman, Swiss, dan Indonesia. Menutup panggilan video aplikasi Zoom saat itu, mereka berjanji untuk bertemu kembali. (SL)