
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 07 Jul 2020

The lecturer of Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) President University, Yogi Saputra Mahmud, S.Pd., M.TESOL, was invited as one of the speakers in a webinar named TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language) Talk recently (20/6). This program is initiated by a number of students of Masters and Doctoral Program scholarship awardees in the field of English Language/TESOL who study in various countries. The webinar is held as a platform to share the results of the latest research in the field of English Education/TESOL. This program is also implemented as an effort to promote new journals in the field of English and Education in general.

In this event, Yogi, who is an awardee of LPDP (Education Fund Management Service) scholarship from the Indonesian government, shared his research experience during his master's study at Monash University, Australia. The research is related to the identity of the new English teachers in Indonesia, and its relation to the early career of the teacher that is carried out after a formal bachelor's degree education.

In addition, Yogi also had the opportunity to introduce LaRSo Journal to English teachers and lecturers who participated in the webinar. "The enthusiasm of teachers and lecturers is amazing as they learn that there are new tools to be used as a place for disseminating their research," said Yogi.

LaRSo itself is the abbreviation of Language Research in Society, an open-access and peer-reviewed journal managed by the Center of Language and Culture (CLC) of President University, the Primary School Teacher Education Department of President University, and President University Press. This journal covers 7 studies, namely English Education/TESOL; Linguistics and Sociolinguistics; Academic Writing; Language Assessment and Evaluation; Teaching Methods in Language Education; World Englishes; and Language Curriculum and Material Development. (SL)



Dosen PGSD President University Bagikan Penelitian dan Promosikan Jurnal LaRSo di TESOL Talk


Dosen Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar President University, Yogi Saputra Mahmud, S.Pd., M.TESOL menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam webinar TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language) Talk baru-baru ini (20/6). Acara ini merupakan program yang diinisiasi oleh sejumlah penerima beasiswa S2 dan S3 di bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/TESOL yang kuliah di berbagai negara. Webinar ini diadakan sebagai platform untuk berbagi hasil-hasil penelitian terkini di bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/TESOL. Program ini juga dilaksanakan sebagai upaya mempromosikan journal-journal baru di bidang Bahasa Inggris dan Pendidikan secara umum.

Dalam acara ini, Yogi yang merupakan penerima beasiswa LPDP (Layanan Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) dari pemerintah Indonesia, membagikan pengalaman risetnya saat studi master di Monash University, Australia. Penelitian tersebut berkaitan dengan identitas profesionalisme guru-guru Bahasa Inggris baru di Indonesia, serta kaitannya dengan Program Profesi Guru yang dilaksanakan setelah pendidikan formal S1.

Selain itu, Yogi juga berkesempatan untuk memperkenalkan Larso Journal kepada guru-guru dan dosen-dosen Bahasa Inggris yang mengikuti kegiatan webinar tersebut. “Antusias guru dan dosen sangat luar biasa saat mengetahui bahwa terdapat wahana baru untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat diseminasi penelitian untuk mereka,” ujar Yogi. 

LaRSo sendiri merupakan kepanjangan dari Language Research in Society, sebuah jurnal bersifat open-access dan peer-reviewed yang dikelola oleh Center of Language and Culture (CLC) President University, Primary School Teacher Education Department President University, dan President University Press. Jurnal ini 7 cakupan studi, yaitu English Education/TESOL, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Academic Writing, Language Assessment and Evaluation, Teaching Methods in Language Education, World Englishes, dan Language Curriculum and Material Development. (SL)