
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 03 Jul 2020

Public Relations students held an interesting event called PINTAR (Public Relations Interactive Webinar) last week (6/24). With the title New Image in New Normal: Rebranding PT. Sarinah, Retail Director of PT. Sarinah (Persero), Fetty Kwartati, explained the Sarinah branding process, which has been a trend in social media since McDonald's closed in the area.

Fetty Kwartati explained that observation and preparation are the essential factors to create a new image of the company. In the era of New Normal, a company has to manage the behavioral shift that will prioritize hygiene and health to give the effect of business activities. “PT. Sarinah needs a new transformation that still represents the identity of Indonesia,” she said. 

PT. Sarinah was founded on August 17, 1962 with the concept of modern retail business. The name Sarinah is an idea by President Soekarno to facilitate retail trade activities and encourage economic growth in Indonesia. Maintaining business development, PT. Sarinah brought a new concept which is Old Is the New New where this new look was made using SWOT Analysis. Indonesian Batik Culture becomes the main concept, PT. Sarinah targets young Indonesian future entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, Fetty explained that re-branding is needed when businesses try to reach new audiences that have not been reached before. "Companies should consider rebranding when their current branding is considered unrelated to current consumer minds, or when there is a desire to develop from their current image and reputation," he said.

This online webinar was attended by participants from various professions, ranging from students to practitioners in the field of Public Relations. The Communication Studies Program at President University hopes that this online seminar will open up business development in the New Normal Era. (AR/SL)



Mahasiswa Public Relations Mengadakan Webinar untuk Membahas Re-branding PT. Sarinah di dalam New Normal Era

Mahasiswa Public Relations mengadakan acara menarik yang disebut PINTAR (Public Relations Interactive Webinar) pecan lalu (24/6). Dengan judul New Image in New Normal: Rebranding PT. Sarinah, Direktur Retail PT. Sarinah (Persero), Fetty Kwartati memaparkan proses branding Sarinah, yang menjadi tren di media sosial sejak penutupan McDonald di daerah itu.

Fetty Kwartati menjelaskan pengamatan dan persiapan adalah faktor penting untuk menciptakan citra baru perusahaan. Di era New Normal, wirausahawan harus mengelola perubahan perilaku yang akan memprioritaskan kebersihan dan kesehatan untuk memberikan dampak nyata terhadap perkembangan bisnis. “PT. Sarinah membutuhkan transformasi baru yang tetap masih menunjukkan identitas dari Indonesia,” ujarnya.

PT. Sarinah didirikan pada 17 Agustus 1962 dengan konsep bisnis ritel modern. Nama Sarinah adalah gagasan oleh Presiden Soekarno untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan perdagangan ritel dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Mempertahankan pengembangan bisnis, PT. Sarinah membawa konsep baru yaitu Old Is the New New di mana tampilan baru ini dibuat menggunakan Analisis SWOT. Budaya Batik Indonesia menjadi konsep utama, PT. Sarinah menargetkan pengusaha muda masa depan Indonesia.

Lebih lanjut, Fetty memaparkan bahwa er-branding diperlukan ketika bisnis berusaha menjangkau audiens baru yang sebelumnya belum dimanfaatkan. “Perusahaan harus mempertimbangkan rebranding ketika branding mereka saat ini dianggap tidak berhubungan dengan pikiran konsumen saat ini, atau ketika ada keinginan untuk berkembang dari citra dan reputasi mereka saat ini,” ujarnya.

Webinar online ini dihadiri oleh peserta dari berbagai profesi, mulai dari mahasiswa hingga praktisi di bidang Hubungan Masyarakat. Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi di President University berharap seminar online ini akan membuka pengembangan bisnis di Era New Normal. (AR/SL)