
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 18 May 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the economy in Indonesia. With the implementation of physical distancing, people are asked to study and work at home. Therefore, many businesses lost their customers and even some had to shut down their business. One of the impacted businesses is Empire Fit Club, a fitness center owned by Elberlino Karpi Rotinsulu which located at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Empire Fit Club’s members are no longer do the training activities in the fitness center, they choose to do it at home. As they do not want to lose their fitness members, Elbert and his team strive to find various ways to keep their business running, one of them is open online fitness classes.
Elbert with Micheline Cheeryl who is the Marketing Manager of Empire Fit Club attended the PINTAR (Public Relations Interactive Webinar) with the title "Social Media & Audience Engagement" (12/5) to share knowledge about the use of social media and creative content. The webinar that was held by President University's Public Relations students managed to draw the attention of approximately 100 participants consisting of students and communication practitioners.

The webinar started a session with Elbert, The Founder and Head Coach of Empire Fit Club. He talked about the story behind the formation of Empire Fit Club until it becomes a fitness center which is considered in Jakarta and Bali. By offering a unique fitness concept in Indonesia which is a training boot camp, Elbert wants The Warriors (a nickname for EFC members) to do the workout in a fun way. “I want people to get experience and results that are worth the money they spend when joining the EFC," said Elbert. He also explained the way they engage with The Warriors during this pandemic situation which is by guiding their training online and actively uploading creative content on social media.

Furthermore, Micheline Cheeryl, the Marketing Manager of Empire Fit Club described the Empire Fit Club’s social media visual content and its importance to compete against its competitors. In this opportunity, she also explained that during this pandemic, they put a lot of effort into producing creative content in real-time and up to date that is uploaded to various channels, such as Instagram and YouTube. They also produce content in the form of a podcast that is still very rarely done by a fitness center.

At the end of the webinar, there is a question and answer session in which participants may ask questions through the chatbox. Later, the selected questioners whose name being called by the moderator could ask their question directly to the speakers.

This event is a part of the PR Photography and Design Concepts course that taught by Abhirama S. D. Perdana collaborated with Mohammad Shihab and Anathasia Citra. “So, the main purpose of holding this seminar is for students and PR practitioners to understand or at least identify that the expertise to design or build a brand is very important, for example, the industry affected by COVID-19 and the recent rebranding of Sarinah. Therefore, the ability to conceptualize design and branding is needed for public relations practitioners to facilitate the audience in solving any problems they face so that the brand still has a loyal audience,” said Abhirama. (AR/EF/SL)



Memanfaatkan Media Sosial untuk Promosi dan Jalankan Bisnis di Tengah Pandemi


Pandemi COVID-19 sangat berdampak besar pada perekonomian di Indonesia. Dengan diterapkannya physical distancing, masyarakat diminta untuk belajar dan bekerja di rumah. Oleh karena itu, banyak perusahaan kehilangan pelanggan bahkan sebagian diantaranya juga harus ‘gulung tikar’. Salah satu jenis usaha yang terdampak ialah fitness center Empire Fit Club milik Elberlino Karpi Rotinsulu yang berlokasi di Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Anggota dari Empire Fit Club tidak lagi berolahraga di fitness center, melainkan memilih untuk berolahrga di rumah. Tidak ingin kehilangan anggotanya, Elbert dan tim memikirkan berbagai cara untuk mempertahankan bisnisnya, salah satunya dengan membuka kelas fitness secara online.

Elbert bersama Micheline Cheeryl yang merupakan Marketing Manager dari Empire Fit Club hadir dalam PINTAR (Public Relations Interactive Webinar) bertajuk "Social Media & Audience Engagement" (12/5) untuk berbagi ilmu mengenai pemanfaatkan media sosial dan konten kreatif. Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa Public Relations President University ini berhasil menarik perhatian kurang lebih 100 partisipan yang terdiri dari mahasiswa dan praktisi komunikasi.

Webinar dimulai dengan sesi yang dibawakan oleh Elberlino Karpi Rotinsulu, pendiri sekaligus kepala pelatih dari Empire Fit Club. Ia bercerita tentang proses awal terbentuknya Empire Fit Club hingga saat ini menjadi salah satu fitness center yang diperhitungkan di Jakarta dan Bali. Menawarkan konsep yang belum umum Indonesia, yaitu training bootcamp, Elbert ingin The Warriors (sebutan bagi para member EFC) berolahraga dengan gembira. "Saya ingin masyarakat Indonesia mendapat pengalaman dan hasil yang setimpal dengan uang yang mereka keluarkan saat bergabung bersama EFC," jelas Elbert. Ia juga menjelaskan tentang cara Empire Fit Club berinteraksi dengan The Warriors selama masa pandemi yaitu dengan memandu latihan mereka secara online dan aktif mengunggah konten-konten bermanfaat melalui media sosial.

Lebih lanjut, Micheline, Manajer Pemasaran dari Empire Fit Club menjelaskan konten visual sosial media dari Empire Fit Club dan pentingnya hal itu dalam persaingan dengan para kompetitor. Dalam kesempatan ini, ia juga menjelaskan bahwa di masa pandemi, mereka sangat mengedepankan produksi konten kreatif secara real-time dan up to date yang diunggah ke berbagai kanal, seperti sosial media Instagram dan Youtube. Mereka juga memproduksi konten dalam bentuk podcast dimana hal itu masih sangat jarang dilakukan oleh sebuah fitness center.

Di akhir webinar, terdapat sesi tanya jawab dimana tiap partisipan boleh mengajukan pertanyaan melalui chatbox. Penanya terpilih yang dipanggil oleh moderator kemudian menyampaikan pertanyaannya secara langsung kepada para pembicara.

Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari mata kuliah PR Photography and Design Concepts yang diampu oleh Abhirama S. D. Perdana bekerja sama dengan Mohammad Shihab dan Anathasia Citra. "Jadi, tujuan utama diselenggarakannya webinar ini ialah agar para mahasiswa dan praktisi PR dapat memahami atau paling tidak melihat bahwa keahlian mengonsep design atau membangun brand itu sangat penting, contohnya industri terdampak COVID-19 dan rebranding Sarinah yang baru-baru ini terjadi. Oleh sebab itu, kemampuan mengonsep design dan branding sangat diperlukan bagi praktisi PR untuk memudahkan audiens dalam memecahkan apapun masalah yg dihadapinya sehingga brand tetap memiliki audiens setia," pungkas Abhi. (AR/EF/SL)