
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 09 May 2020

In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, President University continuously attempting at creating innovations to stay close to their students and prospective students, one of them is by making a podcast called PUDCAST. Through PUDCAST, (Presunivers Podcast), President University invites lecturers, students, and alumni in each episode to share various information surrounding President University and other interesting issues developing in the society.

The first episode of PUDCAST has been aired with the Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program Dr. Eng. Lydia Anggraini, S.T., M.Eng. present to share information about Mechanical Engineering and her experience conducting online class as well as the career prospect for Mechanical Engineering graduates. In the next episode, Ilham Agasi, an alumnus of Management batch 2013 along with Aura Ryumandhina, a student of Environmental Engineering batch 2018 and Ir. Temmy Wikaningrum, M.Si., the Head of Environmental Engineering Study Program President University were present to discuss the use of disinfectant in the midst of COVID-19. 

As we know, there has been much speculation regarding the correct use of disinfectants to kill viruses. The low stock of disinfectant supplies on the market makes the price of disinfectants soar and people start looking for substitutes. Temmy explained that it was true that various toilet or floor cleaning products could be used to kill viruses. However, its use must be right, that is dilution with the right composition of water, then its use for different types of surfaces of different objects, of course also requires different time to kill the virus.

Temmy also discussed the use of vinegar in household appliances which said to kill viruses, was not very effective. According to her, the acid content in vinegar can actually damage household appliances.

In addition to PUDCAST, President University also holds various Webinars, E-Talkshows, E-Consultation Day, and E-Studium Generals that are open to the public.

Unlike podcasts in general which only present audio broadcasts, PUDCAST can also be enjoyed with video. Through this PUDCAST, prospective new students are also invited to get to know their place of study first and get a variety of interesting lessons before starting their lectures later. (AR/SL)



President University Luncurkan PUDCAST untuk Bicarakan Program Studi Favoritmu dan Isu-Isu Menarik yang Berkembang di Masyarakat


Di tengah pandemi COVID-19, President University melakukan berbagai inovasi untuk tetap dekat dengan mahasiswa dan calon mahasiswa barunya, salah satunya dengan membuat podcast yang diberi nama PUDCAST. Melalui PUDCAST (podcast nya presunivers), President University mengundang dosen, mahasiswa, dan alumni di setiap episodenya untuk berbagi informasi tentunya seputar President University dan isu-isu menarik yang sedang berkembang di masyarakat.

Episode pertama dari PUDCAST telah ditayangkan dengan Ketua Program Studi Teknik Mesin Dr.Eng. Lydia Anggraini, S.T., M.Eng. hadir untuk berbagi seputar Teknik Mesin dan pengalamannya melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar secara daring serta prospek kerja lulusan Teknik Mesin. Di episode selanjutnya, Ilham Agasi, alumni Manajemen angkatan 2013 bersama Aura Ryumandhina, mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan angkatan 2018 dan Ir. Temmy Wikaningrum, M.Si., ketua Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan President University hadir untuk membahas penggunaan disinfektan di tengah COVID-19.

Seperti yang kita tahu telah banyak spekulasi mengenai penggunaan disinfektan yang benar untuk membunuh virus. Susahnya persediaan disinfektan di pasaran membuat harga disinfektan melambung tinggi dan masyarakat mulai mencari substitusinya. Temmy menjelaskan bahwa memang benar berbagai produk pembersih toilet atau lantai, bisa digunakan untuk membunuh virus. Namun, penggunaannya mesti tepat, yaitu pengenceran dengan komposisi air yang tepat, kemudian penggunaannya untuk berbagai jenis permukaan benda yang berbeda, tentu membutuhkan waktu yang berbeda juga untuk membunuh virus.

Temmy juga membahas mengenai penggunaan cuka pada alat rumah tangga yang disebutkan dapat membunuh virus, tidak begitu efektif. Menurutnya, kandungan asam dalam cuka justru dapat merusak alat-alat rumah tangga.

Selain PUDCAST, President University juga mengadakan berbagai Webinar, E-Talkshow, E-Consultation Day, and E-Studium General yang terbuka untuk umum.

Berbeda dengan podcast pada umumnya yang hanya menghadirkan siaran audio, PUDCAST juga dapat dinikmati dengan video. Melalui PUDCAST ini, calon mahasiswa baru juga diajak mengenal tempatnya berkuliah terlebih dahulu dan mendapatkan berbagai pelajaran menarik sebelum memulai perkuliahannya nanti. (AR/SL)